Mystic with mutant a close 2nd imo. But every class has some really great champs in, science on the whole though isn’t probably the weakest. I really like a lot of the mutants in the game.
I've been thinking about the classes in the game and I don't know what class is the best for the game. Please respond. Thanks!
Till now Mystic class ruled the game and Mystic dispersion mastery works cherry on cake with such champs
mutants are also very close to mystics
But there's only one God of the game and that is STAR LORD from tech family, he can alone surpass any class any champ
Not true I beat mystic bigger than myself all the time with Thor. And skill with Hulk. And here is an irony...many times i find I do better when at a disadvantage type wise. Runs counter intuitive but that is kabam for you!
Star Lord is a fav of mine but I have a load of fun blowing people up with Rocket...and love smashing with Thor and Hulk and Juggs.. and punisher makes em bleed sooooo goood!!!! So choose a fav. My best advice!
Till now Mystic class ruled the game and Mystic dispersion mastery works cherry on cake with such champs
mutants are also very close to mystics
But there's only one God of the game and that is STAR LORD from tech family, he can alone surpass any class any champ
E.g i like Star lord, Ultron, Scarlet witch and iceman