Gifting from alt accounts

I don’t see why this is all of a sudden a problem as if it hasn’t been done every single year. No one is breaking terms of service, it’s not hurting the top spenders and it’s not gonna hurt the game in some way that brings it to its knees. Not everyone has the time for this hence why also a lot of people dislike arena. So basically the only argument is that it somehow hurts kabams bottom line. Let me tell you something: I’ve been spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on this game. This year I don’t have money for cyber weekend so I miss out on all that. So I decided to create alt accounts to at least have an in game Christmas for myself since money has become tight. I have over 150 6* champs and over 20 at r3. Kabam has received more than their fair share of money from me over the last 5/6 years. All I have rn is my time. Whether I grind arena, or alt accounts it should be my decision since none of those breaks terms of service. To make the gifting badge harder to receive is against the whole spirit of the event. This is supposed to be fun and a way to help yourself/and, or your friends come up a little bit. This isn’t going to drastically change my account, and even if it was it doesn’t do anything kabam hasn’t allowed. Develop a detection system for botting and leave actual grinders alone. This event already went from exciting to something dreadful. If I grind out over 100 hours between ten alt accounts I should be able to reap the benefits of that because it was done within the guidelines of what kabam already knew could happen and was acceptable for years until this point. Why is an arena grinders time more valuable than mine? Why are other spenders time more valuable than mine? More importantly why do these people make things an issue that aren’t hurting them? It clearly hasn’t killed the game so why is any of this an issue? Seems to me like greed from people in top end alliances who feel like their own rewards will somehow be affected. It’s not healthy to grind for hours on multiple accounts but spending everyday in arena to do the same thing is ok? Give me a break. Quit ruining something that was meant to be fun, and rewarding. Bunch of Scrooges