Chapters 1 to 4 bugged

So I’m working on a new account that I have for about 2 months now. I had 100% act 3 but now says 98% and when I go in the chapters to 100% I’m not being able to do so. There is some paths that look like I skipped tiles form the path. @Kabam Miike any idea what’s going on. After y’all update from act 1to 3 I have have to com back and finish paths that I had previously done.


  • AAMAXIMUS01AAMAXIMUS01 Member Posts: 144
    Same thing happened to me . I thought I had 100% 4.4.1 but no says 98% when im 100% sure I had completed. Now in on of the paths looks like it jumped from one tile to the other without leaving a clearance in between that is not cover up. Here is 4.4.1 at 98% when should say 100% now have to come back, waist an energy refill to completed a path I have done before smh.
  • AAMAXIMUS01AAMAXIMUS01 Member Posts: 144

    Same thing happened to me . I thought I had 100% 4.4.1 but no says 98% when im 100% sure I had completed. Now in on of the paths looks like it jumped from one tile to the other without leaving a clearance in between that is not cover up. Here is 4.4.1 at 98% when should say 100% now have to come back, waist an energy refill to completed a path I have done before.

  • AAMAXIMUS01AAMAXIMUS01 Member Posts: 144

    Same thing happened to me . I thought I had 100% 4.4.1 but no says 98% when im 100% sure I had completed. Now in on of the paths looks like it jumped from one tile to the other without leaving a clearance in between that is not cover up. Here is 4.4.1 at 98% when should say 100% now have to come back, waist an energy refill to completed a path I have done before.
  • SanguinarioSanguinario Member Posts: 5
    Exactly what is happening to me this is the second time between yesterday and today. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious take a look into this please
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