Where’s the fun gone?

I can’t seem to find the part of the game that used to be fun. SQ used to be the go to, but that went out the window a while ago. EQ was alright, but then they put in mini bosses. Even if there was a fun little quest, it’s been hidden behind AI defenders that refuse to throw specials or the parry/dex bug that has an uncapped “persistent” stack. Definitely not speaking for everyone, but something has to give soon or I don’t think it can be called a “game” anymore.
It's just that i get paid trash champs from 6* crystals per month by playing this game.
They were challenging and I enjoyed the challenge a lot, even if I had to use revives and units
My gripe is with the following:
1) Rewards do not scale with SQ difficulty
2) Side objectives are boring with silly rewards as usual (last month was a bit better, the one before a disaster)
3) Solo shards - my God give me something I can use
After Feb the game became something else
It almost feels like a school that doesn't give you good grades(champions) for studying hard
And yeah the monthly special objectives almost feel like my homework and monthly cav crystals that don't give anything other than cyclops just to make you lose the last bit of hope
Kabam if you wanna make us play the game like a job or a subject at least pay us well to keep the fun going
that wish crystal that Kabam mentioned in 2021 patch notes is almost like the bonus that you always dream about but never get
What is really getting to me now though is the AI. It’s sapping all my enjoyment from the game. The worst bit is that flickering idle/block animation. It slows the gameplay down and takes away that feeling of being able to manipulate, anticipate and zone into the AI behaviour.
All the enjoyable flow and rhythm of using my favourite champs like she hulk for eg gets lost when the game is behaving like this. This is compounded by the established bugs, stingy special release, constant shallow evades and the impossible opponent recovery times.
Basic skills like punishing heavies, specials, heavy spamming, stand up intercepts, hitting into a block cannot be relied upon now and we’re left playing a game where you have to try and out react a computer that’s constantly faking you out.
It’s not stopping me completing any content but I’m not enjoying the process much any more. It’s visually and mentally exhausting watching the opponent twitch and flicker before doing anything and frustrating not to be able to fully trust in the skills you’ve honed over the years.
AoE/500% health Apoc was a long, protracted, but ultimately enjoyable fight with Guardian. Arrogance G2099? Void in spite of the Combo Up and that worked out just fine.
I really fail to wrap my head around how can such a big company be so much disconnected from it's own product & customers
It is said that the harder/hardest content is for end game players who then complain that the content is either to easy or to hard for crappy rewards. You then have players who need to progress complain about the content that they need to advance being to hard. They are told to do easier content for rewards that don’t help them to progress. So they end up stuck.
Some bloggers then post that content was so easy using this champ or that champ, that you don’t have to even be able to try them out. Or you have them so weak that a mistake….. is sudden death.
I won’t speak about that AI. At least they are progressing in the game.
The game is turning into a puzzle/strategy game where its all about using the correct champ the correct way over a long period of time.
The game is really good at the first thing. The second thing other games do much better. They need to focus more on what they do well.
The bugs are killing the game. The map design is killing my enjoyment of the game. I don’t find it fun anymore. I’m on cool down playing wise.
If this continues , it's gonna be really dark for them going forward and many people i bet are already planning to leave after Gifting.
I feel as though Kabam believes that the next phase of the game requires painful, ultra-challenging content. Players have their r3’s, so now there needs to be content to challenge those rosters. However, not only is that a miscalculation of how players’ rosters actually are, and it straight up isn’t fun. One of the best things the game has had in recent months was “Summer of Pain.” Even though the fights weren’t that bad, I think it is just the pattern Kabam has set for future content, being long and painful.
More grueling challenge, less fun. I really believe this is what they want
Hard to tell as Kabam don't communicate intent.
Well with the new AQ season and buffed defender PI’s you can add AQ to the list of events that’s pushing me closer to the end of my time with the game. AQ was a chore before but at least quick and harmless. Now it’s just stupid. I just don’t know with this game anymore.
This month requires 500 arena fights for maximum rewards. For regular arena grinders, that’s no big deal at all. For people like me who despise arena with every fiber of their being, it’s a massive chore. But this objective only gives you some Cavalier fragments, so it’s not the worst offender.
That distinction goes to the September objectives, which gated the entire SQ behind fights that were a chore at any difficulty level. I would far rather have 3 difficult fights in a lane and be done with it than 300 mind-numbing fights.
It’s the objectives that just require time and nothing else that grind my gears. No skill, no thought, no challenge. Just “how many hours can I pour into this.” That’s not fun, that’s work. And I don’t even get to bill for it.