Regarding the game

Dear creators the content is getting toooooo hard. It is getting extremely hard for me.I am not able to progress much.Also the game is too lengthy and I an getting frustrated of all this.pls help me and other players like me otherwise you will lose them.We need help pls.
What's your current story progression status?
Level? Champs? Care to elaborate a bit?
But I do agree that the MEQ is too lengthy and contradict with what has been promised in Dev Diary. They promised to trim size the MEQ but turns out there are still 7 paths in each of Act 3.1/3.2.
People complain about it getting too hard. I've hard been playing since 2015. It's took me over a year to get my first 5* was Red Mags (what a disappointment at the time) now if you start a new account you can one in a month possible a 6*. Kabam made the game way easier for new accounts to progress. I think majority of new summoners have an entitlement issues.