Ultron is bugged

Spiderkiller69Spiderkiller69 Member Posts: 70
edited November 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
From what I understand ultron should be immune to slow debuff also I believe his synergies aren’t working in the correct manner when will this be addressed ?


  • Pseudo_19Pseudo_19 Member Posts: 396 ★★
    Please delete this as this is probably the very one bug that benefits the player, his furies can stack from synergy and not being slow immune can stop his very annoying evades that hurt his play style and in all honesty mess me up more than save me
  • Spiderkiller69Spiderkiller69 Member Posts: 70
    They need to fix ultron please address this kabam !!!
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    Pseudo_19 said:

    Please delete this as this is probably the very one bug that benefits the player, his furies can stack from synergy and not being slow immune can stop his very annoying evades that hurt his play style and in all honesty mess me up more than save me

    Ultron is great even if you don't exploit the bugged sinergy.
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