Diablo Guidance

mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,163 ★★★★
edited November 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I'm looking for some info on Diablo.

I recently pulled him as a 6*, so he's not awakened right now, and I don't run suicides.

With those two things in mind, how good can he be right now? I hear great things, but really haven't used him at any rarity outside of arena fights.

Hoping some of the experienced users could share some info on:

1) His ideal rotation
2) Any synergies that are really helpful
3) Do you use his prefights often? If so, what ones, and for what circumstances?

Thanks in advance,
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★
    Unawakened and without suicides depending on roster he could still be r2 worthy. Depends if you need what he brings to the table.

    Depending on healthpool you can get to 8 vials and then launch the sp3, or throw a couple sp1s then a big sp2 to finish

    None needed but if someone shrugs debuffs kingpin synergy is good. Dragon man as well. But far from necessary

    Use them when needed since they’re infinite. Energy healing one when there is energy damage, stun immune one when there is stun like stunning reflection, and buff nullifying one if running MD and the fight will be long to keep the sp3 poisons up as well as if there are buffs to nullify.

    (Apathetic god on YouTube is a great channel with like 1 billion Diablo vids. Vega of mcoc also has a great Diablo breakdown)
  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    I got a 6* Diablo during in my Cyber weekend opening and immediately took him to r2. I don't run suicides either and he's unawakened. Solid poison damage. I was dropping act 7 opponents in around 60 hits just by stacking poisons.

    For synergies I have only tried the Kingpin one, which makes his poisons passive. It's very nice, especially in shrug off matches.

    I mostly use the prefights when I know I'll be taking loads of energy damage or for buff control. Haven't used the other one (armor break and stun immunity) all that much.

    My favorite thing about him is how sustainable he is. You can just pop a 20% revive and finish the fight at 100%. He's becoming one of my favorites.
  • BlxndyBlxndy Member Posts: 147 ★★
    mgj0630 said:

    I'm looking for some info on Diablo.

    I recently pulled him as a 6*, so he's not awakened right now, and I don't run suicides.

    With those two things in mind, how good can he be right now? I hear great things, but really haven't used him at any rarity outside of arena fights.

    Hoping some of the experienced users could share some info on:

    1) His ideal rotation
    2) Any synergies that are really helpful
    3) Do you use his prefights often? If so, what ones, and for what circumstances?

    Thanks in advance,

    I have him around sig 50, awakened, R3 6* and run suicides. I use him a lot.
    1) If a short fight, get to sp3 quickly (and around 5/6 vials), that should be enough. In longer fights, throw SP1 and dash back to store vials, get to 8 and throw sp3. If you run mystic dispersion and you have his nullify prefight active, you will be able to get to a SP2, which will refresh the poisons.
    2) Kingpin one is good against matchups where there is shrug off. Also with moleman he has a 20% chance to shrug off a debuff, but not a major one.
    3) I use his prefights where necessary. Any match i need to nullify, then i use the corresponding prefight. Any fights with energy damage, i use the corresponding prefight. For example against terrax, i use both nullify and energy prefight because his rock shield aura damage does energy damage.

    If you need anymore help let me know.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Don't get put off by not running suicides. Diablo is one of those champions that gains a ton from suicides, but he's no slouch without them.

    I took my Diablo unduped to R3 and don't run suicides ever, he has been an absolute MVP for me. I've brought him to loads of my wars this season, and not died with him once. His damage is amazing, his utility is crazy good with energy regen, nullify, stun/armour break immunity and general sustainability with his healing. Diablo has been my favourite buff so far of the entire program, I really don't think you'll regret ranking him up!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    In regards to rotations, depending on the length of the fight, I'll use a couple SP1s to get Vials of Might up (each one gives more potency to poison and attack rating), then SP3 which applies 2 poisons for each Vial. If it's a shorter fight, heavy attacks and SP1 to pause them/SP2 to refresh will probably do it. I'd probably suggest going and fighting Winter Soldier and try out different rotations and see how much damage you're getting off to get an idea of when to use which one.

    Pre fights - I use the nullify one the most, basically any time the opponent has buffs I want to get rid of. This one also is useful when the opponent doesn't have buffs, because after your Sp3 there are different effects based on the pre fights you have active. The nullify pre fight applies 10 buffs after your SP3, which if you have mystic dispersion (highly recommend with Diablo), will get you to an SP2 and allow you to refresh the big poison debuffs.

    The energy damage regen pre fight is great for match ups with energy damage (surprising I know), I find it useful for Bishop, Magik, Apoc Sp1, Terrax Rock Field, any champ with energy basic attacks, High ground in war etc. Diablo regenerates 70% plus recovery of all those damage sources which is super helpful.

    I haven't used the stun immune or armour break immune one as much, but it's great for Vision Aarkus and Terrax war fights - you won't use it in quests, but in war if the opponent has despair all those armour breaks can stop you healing. It's also good for black panther CW, stun reflect nodes, Apoc stun on block, encroaching stun etc.

    All of them just depend on the situation. For any generic match up, I'll either activate none, or the nullify one to allow myself to refresh the poisons after Sp3 more easily.

  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,163 ★★★★
    @Saquongoat @CyborgNinja135 @Blxndy @BitterSteel

    Thank you all for the info. I do have a pretty stacked mystic roster, but I don't have any great poison damage champs, with the exception of iBom, so that's why I'm pretty intrigued by Diablo.

    You've all answered my biggest question about his usefulness without suicides, so I think I'll take him to r2, play around with him a bit, then debate r3.

    Thanks again guys!
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