Which Synergy team to boost apocalypse for variant 2

IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
edited December 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I completed variant 2 (micro realm) using a 5 star rank 4 thing and his synergy team. Trouble is for completion he will struggle in poison and heal block nodes/champs and the rest of the team has to be dead. I’m thinking of using my rank 3 apocalypse. But who should I pair him with?

I’m thinking apoc/Professor x/Cable should be in each lineup and then 2 out of magneto, colossus or archangel depending on what champs I face in that path. But should I put Emma frost or Stryfe instead for synergies? What would you choose? Here is my mutant roster


  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Stryfe' synergy won't be useful in V2 because opponents have a relatively low health pool so you won't use many specials and won't get the big bonus damage. I didn't use cable but if he is Large he can be really useful with his heavy. I also had a moderate success with champions like colossus and hyperion, but not being able to use attacks that aren't havies or specials can be really punishing in some match-ups. Honestly I would not bring just apoc with synergies but also other XL champions ^_^
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Do you have mascre and rhulk?

    Domino parry heavy destroys most of that variant and rhulk is your poison immune xl.

    Apoc and cable as cable can parry heavy to victory as well.

    4 usable champs 1 syn member and you are golden.
  • Captain_MonticaCaptain_Montica Member Posts: 317 ★★
    Cable and stryfe
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