6* Rankup help please
Member Posts: 3,862 ★★★★★
I am miles away from next r3 (most I have is 35/45 tech), but I have generic gem and 2 skill gems (all r1-2 gems ftr). Whom should I rankup next? My adepts are (in random order, def not sorted by prio):
Monke (From skills I have just NF and Falcon
NT (he needs higher sig tho, the furies are pathetic rn)
SGwen (I run Venom and VP in every quest)
Herc (but my cosmic class is stacked: CGR, VP, Venom, CMM and now Herc?)
Stryfe (I have a gem, and I NEVER get mutant t4cc. Got probably 3-5 in past 60+ crystals)
Who do you think is the best to rankup now? I have a ton of science ISO...
Here is the list of 5* 5/65 at my disposal:
Science: CAIW, Void
Skill: NF
Mutant: Apoc, Domino, Colossus
Tech: Guardian, Sentinel
Cosmic: Venom, CMM
Moving a thread out of General Discussion effectively killls it. I have made a thread in the past, asking players which categories on the forums they read. Vast majority mentioned only General Discussion (link here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/277558/forums-categories-which-ones-do-you-visit#latest). That means whenever a thread leaves general discussion, it is extremely unlikely to be commented on again.
So, I suggest this change: keep new threads in general discussion for some time (if they are relevant ofc). I'd imagine setting a timer that moves the thread into the propper category after let's say 2 hours. That way people notice it, get chance to comment, but it doesn't spam too much imo.
Idt anyone will read this, but this made me sure to not ask for help here. It is a waste of time if nobody reads this category. I am a veteran so I will help myself, but it's a real shame for new players to get their threads burried this way. Please consider some changes to this