Hows the doom grind going (for those who are doing it)?

End of day 1 of arena for me and I'm currently at 15m. Aiming to get 45m by the end of the 3 days to get myself a 5 star doom. Wheres everyone else at?
How about try 70-80 mil. 30 mil won't even get you close to a 5 star doom.
5* I haven't really looked at the data enough, but again so many people have him, I expect it to be again, heavy at the top, but 400-500 will probably be around a pretty good new champ. 60 mil to be safe, but if I was grinding I'd be comfortable at 55.
Just for fun, I ran through my 6* roster twice just to see where I'd end up, which is 19.8m
I don't know how people have the time, energy, effort, and willpower to focus this hard on obtaining him.
I still think Kabam should change the "top 100" to a "top %" to obtain champs. Most average people can't dedicate that kind of time to something.