Annoying Cav EQ

HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
edited December 2021 in General Discussion
Cav EQ just change to an annoying one. They restrict champs to get few benefits from nodes, like Variants.

Rewards don't change, but more annoying, stressful game instead. Not many Cavaliers can have appropriate champs for all EQ chapter requirements.

And rewards not worth to try.


  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    I must say for those who played about 3 or 4 years, it will become a little burned out, maybe except for youtubers.

    These players can have quite enough good champs to play all contents, but they can't also analyze game so deeply anymore.

    Variants are good for end game players, but not many still playing.

    But it's not good for monthly events, side quests, which are for common players who mostly seek for entertainment.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    No, variants punish champions that don't fit the tags... EQ u can still do it with non tag champions
  • Dethroned91Dethroned91 Member Posts: 88
    This tag based style is rubbish, particularly if you just cav or half way through & not quite TB. Even then, you may not have a vast pool of champs to require 100% & yes, I agree. The rewards are worth it for CLASS based, but not TAG. Make it worth pushing for or switch back. Was far more enjoyable in the past!
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    Uhm I had finished exploration anyway, but with more items, I think they should allow 1 or 2 more tag champs, and less readings.
  • NøxNøx Member Posts: 77
    I don’t care for this month’s nodes. I like the class based nodes they usually have. Class based has allowed me to use more of my roster than I would without them but offers a little freedom to choose who you would like to bring, which I like. I use champs I don’t normally use every month for Cav. This, while it doesn’t completely force me to play with champs I simply don’t like to use, definitely encourages it. Making use of the class based nodes is fun. Making use of these tag based nodes isn’t IMO. I don’t want to have and play every champ in my arsenal anyway. As I said, there are many champs I don’t want to play at all for a number of reasons i.e. feel awkward, require practice I haven’t had or wanted to, don’t like their animations, require too many specials (I run suicides), etc… This is the first month since Cavalier’s inception that I likely won’t fully explore. Just feels tedious. I can understand many being fine with nodes but I’ll likely just skip the months these come up in the future, which means using no champs instead. Just not for me. Have fun everyone.
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