Abyss Completed! Overview
I remember, a few months ago, when there used to be a new Abyss Completion and consequent Thronebreaker post every few days. These days it has slowed down, so I thought I'd put my experience out there.
5/65 Aegon sig 170
5/65 Nick sig 40
5/65 Doom sig 200
3/45 HT sig 0
1/1 Heimdall
Item Stash:
1.5k units
~65 lv1 and lvl2 revives (mostly from Acts 1-3 exploration and a few from compensation)
10 lvl 5 health pots
20 lvl 4 health pots
~60 lvl 3 health pots
I used a very basic mastery setup.
Important masteries:
3/3 Glass Cannon
3/3 Courage
5/5 Limber
3/5 MD
Revives: 5
I restarted the quest until I got a perfect run on this guy and got 160 combo. After that I just continued using the same strategy I was using: 3 hit combo-6 hit combo-6 hit combo/sp1, modifying the sequence according to his power.
Omega Red
Revives: 4
This fight was pretty painful. The block damage was really high due to the block penetration, and there were a lot of evades since aegon wasn't critting as much as he would fully ramped. By the end I had like 800 combo (since I got hit sometimes)
Revives: 3
This fight was when I started enjoying the abyss a lot more. Aegon got ramped and it was a blast to use him. I used 4 hit combos and backdrafted/baited sp1, which she mostly cooperated with. Used heavy trick before sp2. Pretty straightforward fight.
Revives: 2
This was the first doom fight so I was unsure how this would go. His damage adds up, but it is still not the best. However, to make up for this the fights are really easy, as he locks down every aspect of the fight.
Revives: 1
One revive? Isn't it an easy solo? Usually it is, but mephisto was stingy with his specials, backed me up into the corner and threw an sp3 and started hitting into me. I took him down to 39% with the prefight and went in with the non-prefight strategy (which wasn't bad at all). Pretty easy fight, even if you mess up like me.
Cap Marvel:
Revives: 0
Doom. Easiest fight.
Revives: 1
I think I boosted up on this fight, since IMIW was coming up. 5-hit combos with aegon (MLLLL), bait a lot of sp's. Very easy.
Revives: 1
Torch for the first portion, taking him down to 20%. Just parry heavy and parry sp1s to build smolder.
I used aegon for the last 20%, just hitting whenever possible. First try with aegon took him down to 8%, and then I just used the heavy trick (and got a little lucky) taking down the next 8%. This fight wasn't that hard for me, but if IMIW is stingy in that last 15% I can see him being a pain.
Joe Fixit:
Revives: 4
Aegon fight. Just do 5-hit combos--like you should in Abyss--and bait sp2s if possible. Wasn't a hard fight, but by this time I was pretty bored, so made some stupid mistakes.
Revives: 3
Stupid fight. Used HT and took off 26% first try and 50% second try. Then proceeded to use 2 revives to take off that last 24%. Pretty annoying fight if Mordo is stingy. Block hits and bait heavies. DO NOT PARRY. It wastes blocked hits, time on his power gain counter, and the fight me coward node. Try to time your combos with the power gain timer. If you see yourself getting cornered, do longer combos. Always make sure mordo is being passive when you try to break his block with a heavy during powergain, as he sometimes can have an aggressive AI and combo you. Just general mordo fight tips. The evade can be annoying, but if you heal up and get a little lucky it won't necessarily kill you. If you do get to low health, just corner him and fight without blocking, you can still do a lot of damage. On my 50% run, I did the majority of the damage at 1% health.
Revives: 6
Stupid fight with doom. It was just really slow and boring. Boost up AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, or else it will be even more boring. Don't bother to heal up doom, you barely take any block damage.
Revives: 4
Aegon. Use heavies at the beginning. It will take like 5-6 heavies on average to get rid of the indestructible. After that just do normal combos and use the heavy trick before sp2s. I stopped healing up at this point. Health boosts+revives+heimdall do enough.
Revives: 2
Easy Doom fight. Boost up, as Hyperion has decent energy resistance. You can get off 2 sp2s if Doom is awakened.
Revives: 2
Easy Doom fight as well. Use the normal 2 fury cycle and try to get off 2 sp2s.
Revives: 3-4
I don't remeber exactly how many revives I used, but this was a really fun fight with HT and Aegon. My first run with HT, I ended up taking off ~30% just heavy spamming and parrying sp1s for smolder (when possible). I was scared to use Aegon, since I wasn't confident on my ability to parry sp2, but it was pretty straightforward when I tried, so all was well. If you play well, you take 0 damage (0 from parries and intercept the rest of the time), so you can do the heavy trick multiple times for more damage.
Tips: color of mode is color of the action you will perform ("parry" is green and "dexterity" is yellow). you time your dex/parry when he leans his head at you, which is pretty easy to practice in the new practice mode.
Revives: 4
Tried out torch, and ended uptaking off 20%, but it was really slow and boring. I switched to Aegon and it was really straightforward. Do full combos. If he uses his sp1, its easier to retaliate if you dexed it when you were close to him. If he ends up going to sp2, don't complete your combo and evade his sp2. Since you can break block it is a really easy fight.
Revives: 3
I hated this fight. You aren't unblockable, so no easy openings. I found Aegon's parry timing weird, and missing parry meant a lot of block damage from the furies. Finally, I didn't know when I could retaliate after his sp1. Should be easy with Aegon if you are actually good at the game.
Revives: 4
Brought Nick for this, but without deep wounds and will power, I wasn't getting off enough damage. I just went in with aegon, healed a decent amount, and tried to get off as much damage after the shield was removed. Don't have many tips for this fight except use the proper counters or run resonate with aegon.
Revives: 0
Easy-ish solo with doom. Don't use heavy. Nullify combo shields from sp1. After he runs out of them, combo until he gets sp1 again, and repeat. Note: his thanos buffs increase his damage, so don't block a ton of hits at the beginning like I did.
Revives: 12
Not as bad as it seems. First try I took off like 20%. Do 4 hits, then hold block and bait heavies to push to sp2. Sp2 half dex isn't that hard, just watch a few videos and try to simulate the timing. You dex immediately after he does 2 of those pink hits to your block. I got a full sp2 dex by some miracle, and proceeded to waste 3 revives trying to emulate it again. Don't do that. Also, I wouldn't recommend doing the heavy at the beginning, as he doesn't always attack into you, and it sets you up to be hit. Also, he can stun sometimes. Do the heavy trick at the opportune moments, and you can take off a lot of damage near the end. Heimdall is soooooo helpful, as it saves you from dying after the collector goes randomly unstoppable.
6* cosmic awakening gem. This secured my decision to go for the featured 6* as I would be able to awaken Hercules if I got him. I have no one else to use it on except angela or proxima, but I have angela max sig as a 5* and I really don't think proxima is worth it.
Mutant T5CC. Cable perhaps???
6* Miles Morales. Seems pretty good, might use him
6* War Machine. Pretty good also, I need a strong armor up/energy resistance champ
5* Prof X from basic. This was the most important pull. I will probably go for 100% abyss after this, as Prof X is crazy, and I have most of the counters for the rest of the fights. I would really appreciate any tips on the rest of the Abyss, as I will probably do it in the next few months.
Also unlocked WP with the units saved from abyss! All in all, pretty good opening.
Probably the best reward was the title. That looks and sounds pretty cool.
Abyss wasn't too bad. I enjoyed demolishing things with 999 combo aegon, and some fights like cyclops were fun and interesting. In general, I don't reccommend healing up, as when you are boosted it costs more. Just use health boosts and percent revives and you should have more than enough health.
In terms of revives. If you have Act 1-3 exploration remaining, USE THAT ADVANTAGE. There are so many units and revives in the quest rewards. I only bought like 2-3 revives with units, as the rest were from that source.
I would go for abyss if you have aegon, as it is pretty straightforward, and the rewards can have some good potential.
5/65 Aegon sig 170
5/65 Nick sig 40
5/65 Doom sig 200
3/45 HT sig 0
1/1 Heimdall
Item Stash:
1.5k units
~65 lv1 and lvl2 revives (mostly from Acts 1-3 exploration and a few from compensation)
10 lvl 5 health pots
20 lvl 4 health pots
~60 lvl 3 health pots
I used a very basic mastery setup.
Important masteries:
3/3 Glass Cannon
3/3 Courage
5/5 Limber
3/5 MD
Revives: 5
I restarted the quest until I got a perfect run on this guy and got 160 combo. After that I just continued using the same strategy I was using: 3 hit combo-6 hit combo-6 hit combo/sp1, modifying the sequence according to his power.
Omega Red
Revives: 4
This fight was pretty painful. The block damage was really high due to the block penetration, and there were a lot of evades since aegon wasn't critting as much as he would fully ramped. By the end I had like 800 combo (since I got hit sometimes)
Revives: 3
This fight was when I started enjoying the abyss a lot more. Aegon got ramped and it was a blast to use him. I used 4 hit combos and backdrafted/baited sp1, which she mostly cooperated with. Used heavy trick before sp2. Pretty straightforward fight.
Revives: 2
This was the first doom fight so I was unsure how this would go. His damage adds up, but it is still not the best. However, to make up for this the fights are really easy, as he locks down every aspect of the fight.
Revives: 1
One revive? Isn't it an easy solo? Usually it is, but mephisto was stingy with his specials, backed me up into the corner and threw an sp3 and started hitting into me. I took him down to 39% with the prefight and went in with the non-prefight strategy (which wasn't bad at all). Pretty easy fight, even if you mess up like me.
Cap Marvel:
Revives: 0
Doom. Easiest fight.
Revives: 1
I think I boosted up on this fight, since IMIW was coming up. 5-hit combos with aegon (MLLLL), bait a lot of sp's. Very easy.
Revives: 1
Torch for the first portion, taking him down to 20%. Just parry heavy and parry sp1s to build smolder.
I used aegon for the last 20%, just hitting whenever possible. First try with aegon took him down to 8%, and then I just used the heavy trick (and got a little lucky) taking down the next 8%. This fight wasn't that hard for me, but if IMIW is stingy in that last 15% I can see him being a pain.
Joe Fixit:
Revives: 4
Aegon fight. Just do 5-hit combos--like you should in Abyss--and bait sp2s if possible. Wasn't a hard fight, but by this time I was pretty bored, so made some stupid mistakes.
Revives: 3
Stupid fight. Used HT and took off 26% first try and 50% second try. Then proceeded to use 2 revives to take off that last 24%. Pretty annoying fight if Mordo is stingy. Block hits and bait heavies. DO NOT PARRY. It wastes blocked hits, time on his power gain counter, and the fight me coward node. Try to time your combos with the power gain timer. If you see yourself getting cornered, do longer combos. Always make sure mordo is being passive when you try to break his block with a heavy during powergain, as he sometimes can have an aggressive AI and combo you. Just general mordo fight tips. The evade can be annoying, but if you heal up and get a little lucky it won't necessarily kill you. If you do get to low health, just corner him and fight without blocking, you can still do a lot of damage. On my 50% run, I did the majority of the damage at 1% health.
Revives: 6
Stupid fight with doom. It was just really slow and boring. Boost up AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, or else it will be even more boring. Don't bother to heal up doom, you barely take any block damage.
Revives: 4
Aegon. Use heavies at the beginning. It will take like 5-6 heavies on average to get rid of the indestructible. After that just do normal combos and use the heavy trick before sp2s. I stopped healing up at this point. Health boosts+revives+heimdall do enough.
Revives: 2
Easy Doom fight. Boost up, as Hyperion has decent energy resistance. You can get off 2 sp2s if Doom is awakened.
Revives: 2
Easy Doom fight as well. Use the normal 2 fury cycle and try to get off 2 sp2s.
Revives: 3-4
I don't remeber exactly how many revives I used, but this was a really fun fight with HT and Aegon. My first run with HT, I ended up taking off ~30% just heavy spamming and parrying sp1s for smolder (when possible). I was scared to use Aegon, since I wasn't confident on my ability to parry sp2, but it was pretty straightforward when I tried, so all was well. If you play well, you take 0 damage (0 from parries and intercept the rest of the time), so you can do the heavy trick multiple times for more damage.
Tips: color of mode is color of the action you will perform ("parry" is green and "dexterity" is yellow). you time your dex/parry when he leans his head at you, which is pretty easy to practice in the new practice mode.
Revives: 4
Tried out torch, and ended uptaking off 20%, but it was really slow and boring. I switched to Aegon and it was really straightforward. Do full combos. If he uses his sp1, its easier to retaliate if you dexed it when you were close to him. If he ends up going to sp2, don't complete your combo and evade his sp2. Since you can break block it is a really easy fight.
Revives: 3
I hated this fight. You aren't unblockable, so no easy openings. I found Aegon's parry timing weird, and missing parry meant a lot of block damage from the furies. Finally, I didn't know when I could retaliate after his sp1. Should be easy with Aegon if you are actually good at the game.
Revives: 4
Brought Nick for this, but without deep wounds and will power, I wasn't getting off enough damage. I just went in with aegon, healed a decent amount, and tried to get off as much damage after the shield was removed. Don't have many tips for this fight except use the proper counters or run resonate with aegon.
Revives: 0
Easy-ish solo with doom. Don't use heavy. Nullify combo shields from sp1. After he runs out of them, combo until he gets sp1 again, and repeat. Note: his thanos buffs increase his damage, so don't block a ton of hits at the beginning like I did.
Revives: 12
Not as bad as it seems. First try I took off like 20%. Do 4 hits, then hold block and bait heavies to push to sp2. Sp2 half dex isn't that hard, just watch a few videos and try to simulate the timing. You dex immediately after he does 2 of those pink hits to your block. I got a full sp2 dex by some miracle, and proceeded to waste 3 revives trying to emulate it again. Don't do that. Also, I wouldn't recommend doing the heavy at the beginning, as he doesn't always attack into you, and it sets you up to be hit. Also, he can stun sometimes. Do the heavy trick at the opportune moments, and you can take off a lot of damage near the end. Heimdall is soooooo helpful, as it saves you from dying after the collector goes randomly unstoppable.
6* cosmic awakening gem. This secured my decision to go for the featured 6* as I would be able to awaken Hercules if I got him. I have no one else to use it on except angela or proxima, but I have angela max sig as a 5* and I really don't think proxima is worth it.
Mutant T5CC. Cable perhaps???
6* Miles Morales. Seems pretty good, might use him
6* War Machine. Pretty good also, I need a strong armor up/energy resistance champ
5* Prof X from basic. This was the most important pull. I will probably go for 100% abyss after this, as Prof X is crazy, and I have most of the counters for the rest of the fights. I would really appreciate any tips on the rest of the Abyss, as I will probably do it in the next few months.
Also unlocked WP with the units saved from abyss! All in all, pretty good opening.
Probably the best reward was the title. That looks and sounds pretty cool.
Abyss wasn't too bad. I enjoyed demolishing things with 999 combo aegon, and some fights like cyclops were fun and interesting. In general, I don't reccommend healing up, as when you are boosted it costs more. Just use health boosts and percent revives and you should have more than enough health.
In terms of revives. If you have Act 1-3 exploration remaining, USE THAT ADVANTAGE. There are so many units and revives in the quest rewards. I only bought like 2-3 revives with units, as the rest were from that source.
I would go for abyss if you have aegon, as it is pretty straightforward, and the rewards can have some good potential.