Who is a better champion Symbiote supreme or Thor Ragnarok

I have both these 5 star champions Symbiote supreme & Thor Ragnarok , please help decided which one to upgrade from rank 2 to 3. Thank you for all your help and support.
I have both these 5 star champions Symbiote supreme & Thor Ragnarok , please help decided which one to upgrade from rank 2 to 3. Thank you for all your help and support.
Need buff control? Sym is your guy.
Need a stun lock. Rags is your guy.
Require bleeds? Sym
Require Shocks, Rags
If you're talking damage then on a no buff fight, Thor bypasses h Sym but in buff heavy fights Sym's damage can get silly and he will have power control to just keep it going.
Thor Rags is a better champ for a newer player as well so you should probably go with him for now as he will have alot of use in act 5 and 6 after his buff.