Confessions of 7 year player

DarthVadidDarthVadid Member Posts: 410 ★★★
This is a post for the loyalist that have given 7 years to Kabam. No breaks just playing MCOC. The only way I could have survived 12.0 (never forget) and all the ups and downs is adapting my commitment with changing meta. LOL had to use the meta word. I quit AQ AND AW a year ago and it allowed me to no rage quit the game. I was in one of the OG incalculable tier alliances ISO-M. I know what it feels like to be at the top. I also played AW in the top 100 alliances. I have no regrets but it was stressful. Eventually I was economized out of her top as money became the way to succeed in MCOC. I have to say honestly I really enjoy the game more now then I have in years. Why?? No AW No AQ, cavalier nexus crystals, new champs that can do amazing things book2 and Cavalier difficulty. The main issue I have with the game is the inability to use all the champs I want. Kabam it’s time to unlock restrictions. Let us take champs into special content like abyss with out locking them out of other content like story mode or side quests. I would 100% abyss if I could take my time over a week to clear a path. The fights are so long and people who have lives would appreciate being able to fight when then can with out being stuck. I really enjoy this game but often get bored because I can’t actually play it. What I mean is when I finish CAV difficulty 100 I start to lose interest. I find my self running ROL with different champs looking for big damage and cool interactions. I still say ROL was the best content ever made. It was long tough but straight forward no tricks. The best part it was done in one run. I would love to see a monthly Realm of legends using different champs each time. And only 1 or 2 roadblock bosses. A place to ramp champs get big number kill bosses and have fun. Furthermore, the rewards could be simple but spicy. Enough rewards to r4 a six star every 3 months. That steady progression would keep me coming back for more. AQ and AW need to die. At least make them a once and awhile content.


  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    There was a ISO-M?

    We've just got the ability to take a champ to R4 and now you want one every 3 months? Lol. How is it that you aren't doing AQ and AW but don't have time for Abyss? it took me 3 days to do my first run. My champs were locked in abyss and I never stopped playing AW or AQ. Most of the champs you'll need for abyss, you don't need for Cav MEQ. Sounds like you just don't want to do it.

    His point is that he gets bored only being able to be in one quest at a time. In content like AOL where there are ~20 fairly long fights, even completion of one path can take several days and it gets boring after a while. It does not matter that Cav EQ uses different champs usually because you could not enter that and AOL at the same time. Also, some people who don't do AW/AQ still have commitments and normal lives outside the game. Sure they have time for AOL but it would take them several days to a week and if you are busy outside the game, some people would just prefer a break in the middle of that to do more casual questing.

    Also, I assume he means that he would like to progress to the point of being able to rank 4 champs that fast. Honestly though, ranking up champs was never what made me have any fun. Especially when their power increases by only like 20% overall. For me, the enjoyment is beating tougher content, collecting fun champs, then learning to play them.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    If they get Cav MEQ done so early each month, what's the problem exactly?
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,582 ★★★★★

    If they get Cav MEQ done so early each month, what's the problem exactly?

    I agree, I have to get cav eq explored the day it comes out. I find that by just playing the game I earn enough energy refills to almost explore it over the course of a month. I believe I bought 3 energy refills this month to explore it. I'll do uncollected slowly and auto fight some of the lower levels. However I spend most of the rest of the month farming revives that just end up expiring.

  • orpimeSorpimeS Member Posts: 30

    This is a post for the loyalist that have given 7 years to Kabam. No breaks just playing MCOC. The only way I could have survived 12.0 (never forget) and all the ups and downs is adapting my commitment with changing meta. LOL had to use the meta word. I quit AQ AND AW a year ago and it allowed me to no rage quit the game. I was in one of the OG incalculable tier alliances ISO-M. I know what it feels like to be at the top. I also played AW in the top 100 alliances. I have no regrets but it was stressful. Eventually I was economized out of her top as money became the way to succeed in MCOC. I have to say honestly I really enjoy the game more now then I have in years. Why?? No AW No AQ, cavalier nexus crystals, new champs that can do amazing things book2 and Cavalier difficulty. The main issue I have with the game is the inability to use all the champs I want. Kabam it’s time to unlock restrictions. Let us take champs into special content like abyss with out locking them out of other content like story mode or side quests. I would 100% abyss if I could take my time over a week to clear a path. The fights are so long and people who have lives would appreciate being able to fight when then can with out being stuck. I really enjoy this game but often get bored because I can’t actually play it. What I mean is when I finish CAV difficulty 100 I start to lose interest. I find my self running ROL with different champs looking for big damage and cool interactions. I still say ROL was the best content ever made. It was long tough but straight forward no tricks. The best part it was done in one run. I would love to see a monthly Realm of legends using different champs each time. And only 1 or 2 roadblock bosses. A place to ramp champs get big number kill bosses and have fun. Furthermore, the rewards could be simple but spicy. Enough rewards to r4 a six star every 3 months. That steady progression would keep me coming back for more. AQ and AW need to die. At least make them a once and awhile content.

    Hey that's a great idea. Rewards aside, it will be fun to play an ROL kinda content once every month.
  • DarthVadidDarthVadid Member Posts: 410 ★★★

    There was a ISO-M?

    We've just got the ability to take a champ to R4 and now you want one every 3 months? Lol. How is it that you aren't doing AQ and AW but don't have time for Abyss? it took me 3 days to do my first run. My champs were locked in abyss and I never stopped playing AW or AQ. Most of the champs you'll need for abyss, you don't need for Cav MEQ. Sounds like you just don't want to do it.

    Easy I have a life and hobbies and a family every minute I can save not having playing MCOC is a blessing. I play on my own terms as many many more are doing. Including most YouTube players. I love the game but am not married to it. There is no virtue in spending your life on a single video game
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    There was a ISO-M?

    We've just got the ability to take a champ to R4 and now you want one every 3 months? Lol. How is it that you aren't doing AQ and AW but don't have time for Abyss? it took me 3 days to do my first run. My champs were locked in abyss and I never stopped playing AW or AQ. Most of the champs you'll need for abyss, you don't need for Cav MEQ. Sounds like you just don't want to do it.

    Easy I have a life and hobbies and a family every minute I can save not having playing MCOC is a blessing. I play on my own terms as many many more are doing. Including most YouTube players. I love the game but am not married to it. There is no virtue in spending your life on a single video game
    You're not married to the game but want to make a mode so you'd come back for more? Nothing so far makes any sense for any of the excuses you've given. If you played in high tier war and AQ, you were "married" to the game. You had time to commit to those game modes when a year ago, they were time consuming. It's weird you'd be able to be in high tier war and spend to stay there but won't do Abyss.... You'll 100% Cav right away but won't attempt Abyss... yeah, nothing weird here at all.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    There was a ISO-M?

    We've just got the ability to take a champ to R4 and now you want one every 3 months? Lol. How is it that you aren't doing AQ and AW but don't have time for Abyss? it took me 3 days to do my first run. My champs were locked in abyss and I never stopped playing AW or AQ. Most of the champs you'll need for abyss, you don't need for Cav MEQ. Sounds like you just don't want to do it.

    Easy I have a life and hobbies and a family every minute I can save not having playing MCOC is a blessing. I play on my own terms as many many more are doing. Including most YouTube players. I love the game but am not married to it. There is no virtue in spending your life on a single video game
    Common sense, and logic, are counterproductive with him… if you didn’t know already lol. So use him for fodder every now and again, otherwise just white noise with him and his little buddies;)
    There's not been a single time you've ever used me for fodder. Most of the time its you whose come out as fodder. You're literally a nobody.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Another 7 year player here, I disagree. If you want to do abyss, finish what you need to for the month, then just start it. I haven't done abyss myself yet, still building my stash, but when I run long content like labyrinth I take a week or so of doing it when I feel like doing it.

    And you don't have to play aw/aq to enjoy the game. Nor do you need endless r4s
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,917 ★★★★★
    Different players treat the game differently, some are more enthusiastic, some treat it like his life whilst also some just treat it a leisure time killer only. It ends up with different expectations on the game.

    I installed this game one month after release and I don't know if I qualified as 7-year player, cos I play less than an hour per day for 1st few years, then become pretty enthusiastic when progress to level 60 shortly and then keep playing in higher tier alliance from gold to platinum, then feeling exhausted and lost interest in the game completely, then move down the tier of alliance till I play alone now. 2.3m rating with almost collecting all champs in different stars.

    At each stages I have different expectations on the game and definitely the game won't be able to cater that, if you can't change the direction of wind, then you can only adjust the sail of your boat.

    It is meaningless to use live / family / hobbies as a reason for asking a game to cater for you. Are you assuming other players do not have these? My progress slow down significantly after playing alone and I don't expect I can r4 6* without cash. Despite few ex-alliancemates invite me to join back their high tier alliance periodically, I'm pretty ok with my current status now as it is exactly a decision after balancing among live / family / hobbies. I understand why you lost interest after Cav MEQ exploration as I also have such feeling, especially Cav MEQ itself is not challenging just demotivating and I don't have any sense of achievement after exploration. However, you can't expect Summer of Pain type of quest happen in each month as well. For other complaints, you can refer to the mega thread discussing Seatin's latest video on the state of the game in this forum.
  • orpimeSorpimeS Member Posts: 30
    GOTG said:

    There was a ISO-M?

    We've just got the ability to take a champ to R4 and now you want one every 3 months? Lol. How is it that you aren't doing AQ and AW but don't have time for Abyss? it took me 3 days to do my first run. My champs were locked in abyss and I never stopped playing AW or AQ. Most of the champs you'll need for abyss, you don't need for Cav MEQ. Sounds like you just don't want to do it.

    Easy I have a life and hobbies and a family every minute I can save not having playing MCOC is a blessing. I play on my own terms as many many more are doing. Including most YouTube players. I love the game but am not married to it. There is no virtue in spending your life on a single video game
    What you said is supper annoying. Dont want to do this, dont want to do that, because I have life, but you must give me resource in easy way to let me rank 4 a 6* every 3 month.

    Its supper annoying and childish. You dont want to play, then dont play, its not a loss for the game without you.
    "You dont want to play, then dont play, its not a loss for the game without you". -
    Wow, you must work at Kabam! Should have stopped at "childish".
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