Gifting 14 Days Requirements

Rajrk91342Rajrk91342 Member Posts: 180
I need help to understand this requirement

If I leave an Alliance now then join another Alliance can I get gifting Event benifit after 14 days or not ?

@Kabam Miike


  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    You need to be in the alliance for 14 days before you can contribute. This means if you were to leave on the 9th (8 minutes away from posting this), you would then only be able to contribute to the event starting on 23rd. The event lasts 14 days and starts on the 20th so you still have time to switch alliances.
  • Rajrk91342Rajrk91342 Member Posts: 180
    Okay, Thank You
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 986 ★★★★
    Yes, a simple search would have found this question asked and answered dozens of times already
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