7 Years

7 Years of playing this game and I can guarantee I won’t make it to 8.
This game is headed down hill so unbelievably fast that kabam can’t stop it!

After an entire year of the worst bugs, AI and failed content, I thought for December you guys might actually be more generous……but this trade in store and “deals” show the insane levels of greed you guys have reached.

We went from everyone EARNING their first 5/65 at the same time to having to purchase your first r3 and now r4 6*?!
you can spend countless hours and resources to 100% everything in act 7 and walk away with 1/4 of what somebody bought on Black Friday!

Failed game engine with no fix in sight and a shortage of staff shows how much your trying to make before u you shut it down. I hope this isn’t the case and I can continue return ti enjoying the game! I truly hope you can hire new staff and somehow replace your game engine but at the moment, it’s not looking promising
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