I understand why the AI's rate of putting debuffs on me is a lot higher than my rate, but come on!

I understand the fundamental reason why the AI's rate of putting debuffs on you is so high, but to have 5* BP put a bleed stack on me every time he touches me? Or have Abomb put poison on me every time I touch him?
And then I roll out Gwenpool and I have to rack up 10+ hits before I drop a bleed on my opponent. Or Wolvie... how many times do I need to hit someone before I proc a bleed on them? 15? 20? To trigger a champ's primary reason for existing? And if I'm fighting BP with Wolvie? When I screw up and let BP hit me 5 times and have 5 bleeds going, but hit BP 40 times and have only proc'ed bleed a couple of times and don't proc regen ONCE before I bleed out, what are we supposed to do.
Is there an equation generator at Kabam that calculates the expected number of hits to down an enemy and then calculates your debuff rate off of that?
When you win a fight 100-150 hits given to 5 received, the AI has to have a higher proc rate to drop debuffs on you because it has less chances to debuff you.
I'd say that a big reason you covet champs is when they kick the **** out of you. You want that champ so you can do that to the in game content, but then you get the champ and it's never as pretty as when the AI runs the show.
And then I roll out Gwenpool and I have to rack up 10+ hits before I drop a bleed on my opponent. Or Wolvie... how many times do I need to hit someone before I proc a bleed on them? 15? 20? To trigger a champ's primary reason for existing? And if I'm fighting BP with Wolvie? When I screw up and let BP hit me 5 times and have 5 bleeds going, but hit BP 40 times and have only proc'ed bleed a couple of times and don't proc regen ONCE before I bleed out, what are we supposed to do.
Is there an equation generator at Kabam that calculates the expected number of hits to down an enemy and then calculates your debuff rate off of that?
When you win a fight 100-150 hits given to 5 received, the AI has to have a higher proc rate to drop debuffs on you because it has less chances to debuff you.
I'd say that a big reason you covet champs is when they kick the **** out of you. You want that champ so you can do that to the in game content, but then you get the champ and it's never as pretty as when the AI runs the show.
Another is agent venom. His sp1 should cause bleed 60% of them time. I actually recorded 20 specials and only 9 caused bleed. Maybe I’m just unlucky though
The original champ getting lots of complaints for the RNG mess was SW. Now she's been debuffed so other champs can take her place, but her old awakened ability was 99% proc rate when she crits and you'd see crit after crit going up and no buffs or debuffs popping up. So her ability was adjusted down to 85% proc rate on crits. I'll still drop 3-5 crits before I see anything (if I even land a crit). I was just fighting in Master 3.2 and put down about 15 hits before I even landed a crit with SW.
I agree to a point. When I track my own champs, the rates are consistent with their descriptions. The OP's point is that the AI gets boosted descriptions. If I take my R5 Sig 50 Gwenpool head to head against an AI Gwenpool with the same rank (ignoring PI because it's affected by masteries that the AI doesn't have), the AI procs a lot more. They crit more, get more buffs, deal more debuffs, and typically can kill me in significantly fewer hits than I need to KO them.
It's worse the more the AI is boosted by the nodes. It's almost like the +50% Attack boost also adds 50% to each of the AI champs proc rates.
I think this is precisely what's going on. More and more players can beat AI opponents with significantly higher PI levels. In arenas, I regularly beat champs 2 full ranks above me (my R3 vs AI R5) to get through rounds 7-15.
A true evenly matched fight is not 2 champs at the same rank/level, but where you take your R5 4* champ up against an AI-controlled R4 5* champ
i've often thought about the issue where an AI opponent hits you 5 times and you're almost dead and you had to hit him 100+ times to kill him whereas his PI didn't seem that significantly higher. i think sometimes the % health boosts or armor ratings, etc play a big part in that but do not actually boost PI significantly. just my 2 cents....probably only worth a penny
Need to remember that except for arena and AW, the AI of a similar rank/level has significantly lower PI because they don't have any masteries. Just look at the Kang/Thanos teams in arena. So you cannot compare PI when trying to say the opponent is the same. Another example is the ROL opponents. They are all 4* champs, but their insanely high health pushes their PI to over 60k. But those champs would get destroyed by the Boss event AI champs with only a third of the ROL's PI.
If you were to face a 4* 5/50 Gwenpool in a quest, she would have a PI of ~4500 (depending on sig level) but with my masteries, my Gwenpool's PI is almost 6k.
My posts always seem to be about weird things I notice... like the Spectre boost that's supposed to do a Guilly on opponents healing doesn't seem to work on Mephisto in Master mode... I haven't posted about it because I haven't studied the node boosts on Mephisto's ultimate boss node, but when I drove Mephisto to start consuming souls, he didn't die immediately. But if I did post about it, half of the posts would be themed "GET GUD!" or "I killed Mephisto 6,000,000 times and used no items and never had a problem"