Considering Rank-Up/Sig Options

Note that I will be finishing full suicides over the next couple days.
Firstly, for r5 options I'm considering:
Quake - generally good
Fury - full synergy team
Killmonger - got his synergy team as well
Omega Red - just pulled him. I also have a Sabretooth waiting to be ranked up
I'll be able to take 2 to r5 for the next level up, but OR will take 2-3 level ups to get there, because alphas. Initially I was going to r5 fury and quake, but pulling OR probably changes this.
I also have around 130 in generic sig stones, and around 30 science stones, as well as multiple generic, mutant and science awakening gems. I want to awaken void, don't know how much high sig is valued on him though. He can go up to around 150-160sig. Namor I can take to max sig, omega red I can take to 130. What are my best options here?
Content-wise, I'm sitting at 6.2.4 for completion, only V4 explored and haven't touched the rest, and haven't touched LOL/AOL. Cav EQs are a breeze with CMM/NF package.