Here's some absolutely useless, extra ,random data I collected while autofighting ROL WS -

There is a little bit more information on the spreadsheet if you decide to open it:-
Some info I didn't mention in the spreadsheet-
1.The team i used was Sunspot, Magneto, Dr Doom, Warlock and Annihilus.
2. I ran this about 9 times but I documented only the last 6.
3. Each run was around 7-10 minutes in total.
4. I did not use suicide masteries because I don't have them .
5. I do not have a highly ranked up Kingpin, King Groot , Sasquatch etc which is why I used this team.
Here are a few trends I noticed during my fights-
1. I may be mistaken but I do feel like the AI actually adapts a bit to the champion it uses as the fight progresses.
2. With Doom I noticed that once the AI figures out it can stun with the heavy, it throws a lot more of em .
3. A lot of the time with Doom, if he starts a combo with a medium its usually followed by a heavy regardless of whether a shock is on the opponent.
4. Doom uses his heavy attack whenever the opponent blocks but the other champs are usually a bit weary about using a heavy and just proceed to hit into the block or dash back.
5. Sunspot for some reason does not throw his SP2.He usually sticks to the SP1 but if hes pushed over two bars of power he prefers to use an SP3.
6. Sunspot also enjoys finishing combos on the opponents block and loves to eat special attacks to the face.
7. Magneto on the other hand makes sure to use his heavy whenever WS throws his SP1.
8.Magneto also prefers his to use SP2 over the other special attacks.
9. The autofight AI enjoys intercepting heavies although it isn't very good at that.
Disclaimer:Results will vary from account to account and these are just my deductions from what I observed as the fights went on.
Anyways I'm still bored and I need a lot more potions so if any of y'all want another utterly useless spreadsheet like this for maybe ROL Captain Marvel or another champion, with a different team just ask me down below.
Well, I was actually studying while doing this so every few minutes I just had to glance at my phone to see the status of my champs.
Red mags usually takes WS down (PX synergy helps), and doom is for cap marvel. PX is just synergy.
With suicides doom sucks, so I can autofight only WS and barely cap marvel. Although I have hit storm with suicides and good RNG