I_tell_no_tales_1 said:Warmachine's sp3
Warmachine's sp3
Squirrelguy said:Nobody gonna mention Venom's sp2?
Nobody gonna mention Venom's sp2?
World Eater said:Karnaks L1 requires precise timing and super mega high skill to evade.
Karnaks L1 requires precise timing and super mega high skill to evade.
ExHavok said:Bishop SP1 , it's a very difficult one but when you do it the satisfaction is unmeasurable
Bishop SP1 , it's a very difficult one but when you do it the satisfaction is unmeasurable
Apoc Sp2
oh wait
Also, you just mentioned it so were all good
Morningstar sp2
Taskmaster sp1 again not the hardest but feels really nice. Lastly I’d echo punisher sp1.
Also Hit Monkey's sp1. Feels really smooth.