Too much lag after December 2021 update

tron2050tron2050 Member Posts: 41
edited December 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
I have noticed multiple issues after December 2021 update on iOS:
1. Game is lagging too much in every mode: Story quest, Event quest, Side quest, Arena, AQ, Incursions now.
I have to literally kill the app and restart after every 5-7 fights.
It was not this worse before December.
2. Defender is dancing too much while blocking; won’t throw sp1 or sp2 many times especially in Arena and AQ resulting in death match.
3. Defender’s dash in and dash back has increased significantly resulting in missed parry or dex even more than before.
4. Defender’s animation speed has increased so much so that by the time we dash back once, defender will throw 2 attacks in same time resulting in getting hit. Even quake can’t evade sometimes.
5. More missed inputs than before.
Sometimes attacker won’t dash forward when I swipe right; and sometimes attacker will loose block and stand still instead of dashing back when I swipe left.

This is so frustrating that I don’t even feel playing anything nowadays.


  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,717 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    1st one sounds like memory leak issue. I'm on android and I need to restart game every 30min to make it smooth again.
  • tron2050tron2050 Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2021
    Forgot to add one more thing:
    Defender is able to throw back to back heavies without charging.
    I agree that difficulty level must be increased now since many players got 6* R4 champs.
    But, this is cheating.
    Heavies cannot be thrown without charging.
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