
So gifting is in 3 days, I know you all are gonna say hey patient but why hasn’t kabam showed us any of the rewards for the ggc themselves, rank/milestones, just wondering so I can be hyped up. I mean you guys just gave us January information while everyone is waiting on Monday. Come on kabam. Let us be excited for wasting our money.


  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 641 ★★★
    Probably the same as last year
  • abrahamm5abrahamm5 Member Posts: 26
    @Kabam Miike could we at least know why it's taking so long to have information ? Last year we had infos by the end of november... now er are 3 days away
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    They're trying to build up the suspense. Earlier today there was a thread where someone had posted a list of items in the GGCs. That thread has been removed. It was probably correct.
  • BlackOracleBlackOracle Member Posts: 256 ★★★

    (on Monday when the event goes live)

    So same ol same ol, if this is the response.
  • KILLMФИGЕЯKILLMФИGЕЯ Member Posts: 122 ★★
    Who cares about gifting? Lol it’s just another reminder that you can play all you want but the whales are the ones that get the most valuable items that aren’t attainable by any other means besides money
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I know I’m gonna eat some disagrees on this one but for real, what does the extra 72 hours of knowing get you?

    Like, what behavior changes? If you find out rewards are bad now versus 72 hours from now, what will you do differently? Conversely, if you find out they’re great, what is different?

    These are genuine questions. I know y’all don’t need to explain anything to me, but I’d love to understand what the urgency here is. You know that you need units to participate in this. At this point, you’ve either farmed them or you haven’t.

    Knowing what the rewards will be won’t change that fact. And there’s no special deal running today encouraging unit purchase over any other day. If Kabam runs deals on unit purchases prior to the gifting event going live, then I’ll agree that the information should be disclosed. But until then? It’s just idle curiosity. I’d also like to know, but it’s not gonna eat away at me or even matter in the grand scheme of things.

    It might be something to do with what alliance you'd be in. If you like the event, you might change alliances or something else. It is most probably something to do with alliance gifting.
  • chasetheawesome3chasetheawesome3 Member Posts: 29
    Wicket329 said:

    I know I’m gonna eat some disagrees on this one but for real, what does the extra 72 hours of knowing get you?

    Like, what behavior changes? If you find out rewards are bad now versus 72 hours from now, what will you do differently? Conversely, if you find out they’re great, what is different?

    These are genuine questions. I know y’all don’t need to explain anything to me, but I’d love to understand what the urgency here is. You know that you need units to participate in this. At this point, you’ve either farmed them or you haven’t.

    Knowing what the rewards will be won’t change that fact. And there’s no special deal running today encouraging unit purchase over any other day. If Kabam runs deals on unit purchases prior to the gifting event going live, then I’ll agree that the information should be disclosed. But until then? It’s just idle curiosity. I’d also like to know, but it’s not gonna eat away at me or even matter in the grand scheme of things.

    It’s all about hype and customer communication, we’ve always known the rewards are for most any given event, I mean yeah it isn’t gonna hurt to know until Monday but when we do know it causes discussions and those discussions amongst friends and ally mates can be fun.

  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,624 ★★★★★

    Wicket329 said:

    I know I’m gonna eat some disagrees on this one but for real, what does the extra 72 hours of knowing get you?

    Like, what behavior changes? If you find out rewards are bad now versus 72 hours from now, what will you do differently? Conversely, if you find out they’re great, what is different?

    These are genuine questions. I know y’all don’t need to explain anything to me, but I’d love to understand what the urgency here is. You know that you need units to participate in this. At this point, you’ve either farmed them or you haven’t.

    Knowing what the rewards will be won’t change that fact. And there’s no special deal running today encouraging unit purchase over any other day. If Kabam runs deals on unit purchases prior to the gifting event going live, then I’ll agree that the information should be disclosed. But until then? It’s just idle curiosity. I’d also like to know, but it’s not gonna eat away at me or even matter in the grand scheme of things.

    It might be something to do with what alliance you'd be in. If you like the event, you might change alliances or something else. It is most probably something to do with alliance gifting.
    This is fair. Although a bit late at this point, it would have been a good argument for early announcement at the same time as the 14 day lockout announcement.

    @BitterSteel yeah, my comment was mostly directed at the people who seem to be genuinely angry about not being told. I totally get wanting to know just for the excitement and fun of speculation.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I know I’m gonna eat some disagrees on this one but for real, what does the extra 72 hours of knowing get you?

    Like, what behavior changes? If you find out rewards are bad now versus 72 hours from now, what will you do differently? Conversely, if you find out they’re great, what is different?

    These are genuine questions. I know y’all don’t need to explain anything to me, but I’d love to understand what the urgency here is. You know that you need units to participate in this. At this point, you’ve either farmed them or you haven’t.

    Knowing what the rewards will be won’t change that fact. And there’s no special deal running today encouraging unit purchase over any other day. If Kabam runs deals on unit purchases prior to the gifting event going live, then I’ll agree that the information should be disclosed. But until then? It’s just idle curiosity. I’d also like to know, but it’s not gonna eat away at me or even matter in the grand scheme of things.

    One quick example would be if people were going to save the units as opposed to using units this weekend to get some content done like AOL or act content etc.. also.. maybe someone would buy some crystals.. so the sooner you know the better..
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Wonder how they will punish the money exploiters this time. If they will that is
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    SandeepS said:

    Grind units if they're good? Time would be would be better spent elsewhere if not

    Would it be though? I mean, units never depreciate in value. You’ll use them eventually whether it’s on gifting or some other deal (or maybe even content) down the line.

    I can’t imagine ever being in a situation in this game where I find that I have *too many* units.
    Its holiday season so all about the opportunity cost. I could grind or do other things. Was just an example of why people would want to know in advance. As others have said there are other reasons such as finding a whale alliance for the overall rewards as there was the 14 day period for changing alliances.

    Personally I just want to find out to manage my own expectations. The team usually prepare you for the following month in advance, just not in this instance.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,876 ★★★★★
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    As long as there are no T6 basics or T3 alphas or 6-star awakenings, it should be fine. Just make it the same as last year, increase rates for the good items, and add Weapon X there (even if just a 5-star, and 6-star on the rank rewards).
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,608 ★★★★★

    I just hope they are progression based this time around. We dont need all that lower level stuff and newer players shouldn't get several 6*s before even having a 5* roster

    Totally Agree. Even if it's UC and up, and the rest..... If the "rumored" list is accurate (which I doubt), what use would a proven player have for t6 basic and t3 alpha frags.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    SandeepS said:

    Grind units if they're good? Time would be would be better spent elsewhere if not

    Would it be though? I mean, units never depreciate in value. You’ll use them eventually whether it’s on gifting or some other deal (or maybe even content) down the line.

    I can’t imagine ever being in a situation in this game where I find that I have *too many* units.
    Urgency. Last time I remember not really bothering with the event since I thought I would never be able to get anything worthwhile. But when I saw the point and rewarding milestones and such I realized I could actually push and get something.
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