Is Namor good for Act 7?

Hi summoners, I have a awakened 5 star Namor (R3) at signature 80, and I have generic and mutant signature stones too (enough to signature 200 him). I am planning on use it on him. Now I'm at Act 7.2, I only want to update champs that are useful in Cavalier MQ and story quest (haven't explored nightmarish act 6.4) so is Namor still good for Act 7 contents?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
I’ve also used him a number of times with different EQ nodes for mutants, and he was especially good this month since he has tags that fit into several of the different categories. The mutant class has a lot of bangers so he does get a bit overshadowed, and I think the overall community opinion on him was damaged by all the buff/nerf controversy. Still has a lot of utility and really is not too difficult to play. He is one of the only characters that actually needs max sig to really use his sig ability though.