Switchin' it up?

Just curious. When and if you quest do you switch up your teams a lot or do you tend to have a couple of "go to" teams and squads? I don't have the pressure of an Alliance so I tend to switch it up just for fun. If my choice ends up making the quest a struggle I stop. Wait for my energy to refill and try a different team. I do have a couple three guaranteed teams (at least to a certain level) but not pressured to rush.
I have beat but not completed 5.3 (I just get bored)
In 5.3 each chapter is geared to a type part one is mystic so I take Magik, voodoo, guiltine and gwenpool and iceman
part 2 is tech so I take ultron HB and vision AOU with captain marvel and iceman
part 3 is mutant so iceman wolverine Hyperion spidey and storm
part 4 captian marvel thor hyp iceman and magik
part 5 gwenpool AV BW iceman and captian marvel
part 6 capt wwii spidey iceman hulk and capt marvel
prior to 12.0 yes I had my go to team of thor doc strange BW capt wwii and wolverine
Quests varies, if it's the easy ones like catalyst quests, heroic monthly etc I'll use 3* that I don't have as 4* so I can have a play around with them and see what they do and how they play.
Harder quests I mix it up between a core of 7-8 go to champs depending on nodes/bosses