Which mutant is most rank 3 worthy?

My Storm X is my only rank 3 mutant right now, out of all the options who would be most worthy. Is Archangel worth it unawakened since I don’t have him as a 5*? I have prof x as a 5* rank 4 and he is rank 2 right now but I honestly use sunspot and cable more than prof x. I have havok as a rank 5 5*. I know gambit gets a big damage increase from his sig ability but would he be worth the rank 3 unawakened? I know white mags pre fight is phenomenal but it’s not a necessity for me as a I have a rank 3 storm X who has passive stuns when defenders try to shrug it off. I’m very close to forming another mutant t5cc and I have no idea who to use it on. (Yes I have Apoc as 5* rank 5)
Any and all advice/criticism/opinions are welcomed and appreciated

Any and all advice/criticism/opinions are welcomed and appreciated

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
In terms of skill, unduped professor x is the way to go. Prof x can be used on many champions in end game content like the abyss of legends.
He counters things like miss (vs non-tech) can ramp up, has a miss mechanic for if you take a basic attack accidentally, and deals big damage.
Both are fun to play, get great benefit from their sig ability (AA more so) and I guess that's just personal taste.
But if you really really have too
Out of your champs personally id pick AA, he's just a beast even unawakened! Sunspot for me scnd place
I would go either Cable, if you are ok running him with Apocalypse all the time (and who also synergises beautifully with Storm X) or Havok. I personally like Havok more than Sunspot and he can take care of many every matchup fights. Just my opinion though. Pick the one you enjoy playing most.
Professor x
1. ProfX
2. Cable if you have Apoc as 5 star
3. Wags
4. Havok
But I'd wait till the holiday stuff settles even though all of these are worthy of r3.
AA if you manage to get him awakened.