Christmas Nexus Help!

EtherionGodEtherionGod Member Posts: 270 ★★
edited December 2021 in General Discussion
I'm really on the fence here for these 3, I already have a duped 6* sunspot so I don't need him at all but I don't have 6* Masacre or Havok, I have a R4 5* havok, but only a R1 5* Masacre. I'm leaning Masacre since I have a 6* Domino and Red hulk.

Christmas Nexus Help! 16 votes

RookiieBugmat78Wasy1willrun4adonutGrassKnuckles 5 votes
buffajrMatthewmercuryEtjamaFilledPizzaSuperiorSymbioteMasaraksh1AmnetiesCeltic1981Cap45WooptyfrickendooJeremy3186 11 votes


  • Cap45Cap45 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    That’s pretty easy. Havok does big damage and has ok utility
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,351 ★★★★★
    I'd say fill out your roster. 6* Massacre with your Domino and Rhulk is useful in Act 6/7 , v2 (micro reflect for heavies) and v8 *merc). 6*s are better than 5*.

    There's not too much Havok does on attack that you can't do between Sunspot and the Incinerate trinity.
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