Future Thronebreaker Arena

Hello there to those who read this.

My suggestion is: the possibility to create throne breaker arena?

You're able to do this for the Glory Store and the unit store. I'm pretty sure you are able to do this for the arena.

Those who have unlocked Throne Breaker status will have new arena unlocked, and the current arena will disappear from their screens.

The current arena that are out right now are only available to those in the game's lower levels. Aka Cavelier and lower.

The new Throne Breaker arena will have updated milestones.

This will also help with the hours people put into grinding. Kabam post you want the game to become fun for everyone who play this game. This will help with lowering the grind and hours put into the arena.

Those in the cavelier status and lower will be able to get the champs they need to progress.

Those in Thronebreaker status will lower the scores since the pool of players who compete for the champs will be reduced.

Please let me know of your thoughts.


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    •But how would it be any different? TBs already use 5s and 6s so that's not going to change.

    •Increased milestones are great but what would make them unique compared to the others?

    •Also what guarantees can you make that the majority of end gamers would flock to the new arena, causing its intended ripple effects and lower scores across the board?

    •What guarantees do you have against bots?

    •Besides the copious amounts of work required to build it, what's the reason for it's existence?
  • FluffyRoFluffyRo Member Posts: 5
    1st question: TB will only use TB arena. The current arena won't be accessible to them.
    The current arena will only be available to those who aren't in TB status.

    Basically segregation. Kabam already does this for the glory store and unit store.

    2nd question: a 20% - 30% increase of the milestone rewards. Kabam already increased the gold crystals by a bit. Maybe some 6* shards per milestone or other resources that TB players need.

    3rd question: Only grinders been focusing on spending their life away in the arenas. If we segregate the classes. Cavelier players can compete for their rewards and TB players can complete for theirs. Nobody can guarantee anything in life. Heck even our own lives aren't guaranteed.

    4th question: Bots.... I doubt TB players will use bots on their own personal account they spend a fortune on. Whales aren't that ignorant to use bots on their main accounts. Cavelier is another thing since the current arena is open to everyone. Also once again... Nobody can guarantee anything in life. Heck even our own lives aren't guaranteed. Removing a giant amount of players from the cavelier arena can give them a easier time to remove the bots and give those who really deserve the rewards to get them. Kabam is doing a better job at this. I have faith in them.

    5th and final question: I don't know about the "copious amounts of work required to build it". For me it's basically a copy and paste of the current arena, improved milestones with additions, and only available for those with the TB status.

    To help the caveliers and lower. Like you said "TBs already use 5s and 6s so that's not going to change". Cavelier players don't have a huge roster like TB. They simply can't compete unless they spend all 3 days grinding the arena. Setting timers to remind them to do arena again. Also for better milestones for TBs.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    I'm only disagreeing with this because I don't believe in segregation in any and all forms, be better.
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