Act 6.4 team building for completion

Hey everyone, I've just completed 6.3 and I want to go on to 6.4. My roster is not very developed, and although I've heard 6.4 is not that hard (except the GM for someone), I might need to strenghten it a bit. So this is my 5* and 6* roster. (As you can see my masteries aren't great at the moment (I have none of the "strong" masteries except WP), but that's not the focus of the post)

Worth noting that I have 2 generic 5* AGs, 1 tech, 2 mutant, 1 cosmic (which is going to Hype when I'm finished ranking him up). I also have enough resources to rank 5 a lot of champions from any class.
So do you see any champ that might make 6.4 easier for me and that I should rank up? Also, I've been opening basic 5* crystals so far, should I switch to duals? Which ones? For example, one weakness I'm seeing in my roster is lack of incinerate and coldsnap immunity; Colossus has both, so it might be worth it to hunt for him.
Thanks in advance.

Worth noting that I have 2 generic 5* AGs, 1 tech, 2 mutant, 1 cosmic (which is going to Hype when I'm finished ranking him up). I also have enough resources to rank 5 a lot of champions from any class.
So do you see any champ that might make 6.4 easier for me and that I should rank up? Also, I've been opening basic 5* crystals so far, should I switch to duals? Which ones? For example, one weakness I'm seeing in my roster is lack of incinerate and coldsnap immunity; Colossus has both, so it might be worth it to hunt for him.
Thanks in advance.