Which 5* to take to rank 5?!

Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
I have a 5-Star Ebony Maw, Nick Fury, Stark Spidey & Archangel that are all rank 4 maxed. Ebony Maw & Nick Fury are both awakened. I can rank up 2 of the 4 right now. Plz help me decide on which 2!!!


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,870 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury for sure. I'd personally would also rank AA, even if he is unduped.
  • Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
    Yea, I had pretty much already decided on Nick Fury for 1 of them, but the big decision was between Stark Spidey & AA. Ok thx for the input!!
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