AW Champ Banning

WilburWWilburW Member Posts: 18
If the new season is to include banning of specific champs, why have we not been able to test this out in off season? Maybe I’m posting something that others may have stated already but I believe this may pose an issue with the new season starting soon.


  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    I started a thread that we can’t select defense tactic since the first off season war. Now here we are, one more off season war left and season 31 will start. No chance to test ban champs and unstoppable armor.
  • WilburWWilburW Member Posts: 18
    We haven’t been able to select defense tactics either. The ban of champs, without us being able to test, could be an issue.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    Are you in tier 4-5? The freezing issue seem to affect tier 4-5 only since tier 1-3 don’t have to select defense tactics. They default to high ground.
  • WilburWWilburW Member Posts: 18
    Tier 4. Is there an issue with AW being at this level?
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