6* Mystic Awaken Gem Advice?

Felix33Felix33 Member Posts: 47
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Happy New Year Everyone

I got my first 6 star awaken gem from the trading store. Very happy but also because it is such a rare item, very indecisive.

I am between doom - diablo - mojo

I have doom at r5 awakened. Personal favourite champ. But I know his awaken ability is more useful then necessary.
Not very familiar with Mojo and Diablo.

I pulled diablo before his buff and so I was not very keen on him. Started playing with him recently and I am very impressed. But i am not sure about his awaken ability.

Would love to know your thoughts...

6* Mystic Awaken Gem Advice? 19 votes

47% 9 votes
36% 7 votes
10% 2 votes
Wait for something else; these are excellent champs but a 6* awaken gem is a rare item.
5% 1 vote


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Mojo definitely needs it the most, giving him a massive fury when you have death field at 5+ charges and allowing you to gain one persistent charge per fight, starting with 1 already stored.

    If you run suicides Diablo gets constant willpower regen and flat damage resistance from liquid courage

    You are familiar with Doom and I don’t have one above 4* so I can’t really speak to his abilities.

    Basically, if you run suicides I would go Diablo. If not Mojo is very fun unless you want prestige/ the shock nullify thing from Doom.

    It’s worth mentioning that Diablo doesn’t gain a ton from his sig unless you are poisoned, so be aware of that if you don’t run suicides.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    Doom for prestige mainly.he doesn't need it but it gives him nice prestige Mojo need duoe and benefits a lot
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    @Hammerbro_64 is correct. Diablo if you run suicides.

    If not, I would say Doom. Like you I have him at 5* rank 5 max sig, and I would max rank as well as awaken him without hesitation of I pulled him as a 6* given how much I both use him and like him. As a matter of fact I’m sitting on a 6* Mystic gem specifically for him.
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