Crazy luck with my final ggc of the season

LordShaneLordShane Member Posts: 8
Hey people firstly happy new year to all! Not really a discussion but just had a mental last 4 GGC's and in particular the last one so just had to share it.
I'm a f2p player and saved for like 20 total so I'm shocked! Hope everyone got super lucky too!


  • DC_LOVERDC_LOVER Member Posts: 12
    Just to relieve you, Thanos is just trophy champ
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★
    LordShane said:

    Hey people firstly happy new year to all! Not really a discussion but just had a mental last 4 GGC's and in particular the last one so just had to share it.
    I'm a f2p player and saved for like 20 total so I'm shocked! Hope everyone got super lucky too!

    Today is the day I am going to get my first GGC ever (from calendar). Hopefully I get similar luck as you do (I am FTP and lvl 35. In 5.1 in story progression.) Also, Happy New Year to everyone!!!
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    And a six star nexus and 15k six star shards and 45k five star shards for me
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★

    And a six star nexus and 15k six star shards and 45k five star shards for me

    Nice Luck there!
  • Matthew950Matthew950 Member Posts: 155
    AKKKTEK said:

    Last ggc of this gifting event

    Im jealous.... i pulled a 6* mutant ag and my mind got blown thinking about him
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★

    Being F2P, How did you get sigil??

    lol he isnt ftp if he has the sigil
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Skiddy212 said:

    Being F2P, How did you get sigil??

    lol he isnt ftp if he has the sigil
    Finance To Progress
  • LordShaneLordShane Member Posts: 8
    Haha okay to be very specific I use my phone credit to get the sigil cause I always have credit left over I apologise I should have been more clear. Guess it was inevitable 🙄
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