Riptide368Riptide368 Member Posts: 114
Just to make a few things clear, this is my main account. I am FTP and I'm at level 40.
So I went on the game last night to open up the free GGC's everyone got. I wasn't super excited because the few GGC's I got previously gave me things i didn't really care about.
Anyways, here are the results:

I couldn't believe my luck! I have probably only opened less than 10 GGC's total. I never would've imagined getting a six star this early on into the game. Also here's the six star:

Pretty solid pull I honestly expected a lot worse. I played around with Aarkus in ROL and am really enjoying him. He's going to help me get through a lot of content.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my story. Sorry it was kinda long.


  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    T4cc cat, 5* sigs and a few 6* sigs. Just end my suffering
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