Guilty 2099 r3 question

I really enjoy guilty 2099, but I have a hard time sometimes getting her to sp3 before the opponent dies (so I can start at combo 100). I would like to r2 her, and r3 (I have all the resources except T4cc which I can open my stash for).
My question for this who have her higher ranked, is it easy to get her to sp3 before the opponent dies, or should I r3 my duped nebula or duped sentinel? I also run suicides so there’s that extra attack bonus. Currently have done only one path from 7.1-7.3
My question for this who have her higher ranked, is it easy to get her to sp3 before the opponent dies, or should I r3 my duped nebula or duped sentinel? I also run suicides so there’s that extra attack bonus. Currently have done only one path from 7.1-7.3
I use my 6R3 Guilly99 daily in Map 6 and this is no issue. She remains extremely valuable and sustainable in all fights and saves me items like crazy. I would definitely recommend ranking her up.
And yes, she’s worth r2 and r3. High rank means high stats especially attack meaning you don’t have to always rely on her sp3. I have a r3 sig 80. A little tip: not sure if yours is duped or not but it’s a very useful and important part of her kit though some say it’s not. You can use her without it but having it makes a noticeable difference.
A couple of tips: when the fight starts throw a few heavies (whether you are at 100 combo or not). That should give you a safety net to not lose your combo. From there I usually throw sp1 after sp1. Fun and stress free fights.
And if the health pools allow me to get to 100 hits in that fight? Great! The sword opens and I have mad fun lol.
And if for whatever reason I time problem, I just regen when I go in again.
She is my most really valuable asset at r3 and saves items like no other champ can. Will go to r4 when I can afford it.
Sometimes I'll just take a hit to the face if I need to get her power up, or let them hit into my block. Her digi-cloak and regen let you do things that you would never do with another champ.
Most people just don't get how good crazy she is