Guilty 2099 r3 question

willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,865 ★★★★★
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I really enjoy guilty 2099, but I have a hard time sometimes getting her to sp3 before the opponent dies (so I can start at combo 100). I would like to r2 her, and r3 (I have all the resources except T4cc which I can open my stash for).

My question for this who have her higher ranked, is it easy to get her to sp3 before the opponent dies, or should I r3 my duped nebula or duped sentinel? I also run suicides so there’s that extra attack bonus. Currently have done only one path from 7.1-7.3


  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    From your post, I’m guessing yours is at r1 and if she’s finishing fights when she’s ramped up before you get to your sp3 what it means is at r2 and r3 you don’t need to ramp her up for the contents you’re handling.
    And yes, she’s worth r2 and r3. High rank means high stats especially attack meaning you don’t have to always rely on her sp3. I have a r3 sig 80. A little tip: not sure if yours is duped or not but it’s a very useful and important part of her kit though some say it’s not. You can use her without it but having it makes a noticeable difference.
  • edricedric Member Posts: 62

    Contrary to common belief, there is nothing that obliges you to end fights in SP3 and start the next fight at 100 combo. It would be ideal, yes, but not mandatory.

    I use my 6R3 Guilly99 daily in Map 6 and this is no issue. She remains extremely valuable and sustainable in all fights and saves me items like crazy. I would definitely recommend ranking her up.

    To add to this I use mine in Map 7 all the time. She is 6r3 and if I end a fight on an SP3, cool. If I cannot do that, that's also fine.
    A couple of tips: when the fight starts throw a few heavies (whether you are at 100 combo or not). That should give you a safety net to not lose your combo. From there I usually throw sp1 after sp1. Fun and stress free fights.

    And if the health pools allow me to get to 100 hits in that fight? Great! The sword opens and I have mad fun lol.

    And if for whatever reason I time problem, I just regen when I go in again.

    She is my most really valuable asset at r3 and saves items like no other champ can. Will go to r4 when I can afford it.
  • Poopdigs6Poopdigs6 Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2022
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 585 ★★★
    I play her daily in AQ and content. At r3 I only worry about finishing on an SP3 if I'm using her for the boss or mini-bosses.

    Sometimes I'll just take a hit to the face if I need to get her power up, or let them hit into my block. Her digi-cloak and regen let you do things that you would never do with another champ.

    Most people just don't get how good crazy she is
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