Champion buffs players expectation

Hello fellow summoners, kabam realising buffs every month and we get threads like, why this champ has this mechanic, we needs some improvement, increase this or reduce that, need some new mechanic something, like that, now there are many champs are lined up for buff program like sentry, og Ironman, captain America, juggernaut, so why don't we put all of our expectations here, not a whole buff idea only a little details which buffs you expect to have these champs. I'll start first,
High physical resistance,
Bleed potency reduction,
While unstoppable medium dash attack is unlockable (at some percentage),
Reduced weakness and concussion duration.
Symbiote Spider-Man:
Symbiote over take Spider-Man's consciousness so he get,
Aptitude while opponent is bleeding,
Symbiote heals spidy so reduced bleed and rupture duration.
Captain America:
Super soldier abilities:
Small bit of physical resistance,
Immune to weakness, fatigue.
Over the fight captain America get better grasp of fight so chance to place weakness, fatigue.
Blocking unblockable attacks,
Reduced concussion duration.
OG Ironman:
Tony Stark improving his suit after every battle so I think he may have some persistent charge like, after fighting champions from each class.
Post your ideas too, friends.
High physical resistance,
Bleed potency reduction,
While unstoppable medium dash attack is unlockable (at some percentage),
Reduced weakness and concussion duration.
Symbiote Spider-Man:
Symbiote over take Spider-Man's consciousness so he get,
Aptitude while opponent is bleeding,
Symbiote heals spidy so reduced bleed and rupture duration.
Captain America:
Super soldier abilities:
Small bit of physical resistance,
Immune to weakness, fatigue.
Over the fight captain America get better grasp of fight so chance to place weakness, fatigue.
Blocking unblockable attacks,
Reduced concussion duration.
OG Ironman:
Tony Stark improving his suit after every battle so I think he may have some persistent charge like, after fighting champions from each class.
Post your ideas too, friends.
Always have Soul Bond on opponent to reduce the need for heavy spamming (Dorm's heavy animation is terrible and his BP might as well be 0).
Heal on heavy shouldn't be locked behind Imbued Sp3. Lock it behind something more obtainable instead, like an imbued effect on the heavy itself
Maybe immunity to armor break and incinerate
I'm thinking of giving him the Spider-Ham dash back and evade thing and basically web the opponent by rooting them for a second and applying a Slow debuff on them.
Every new event quest we think Mephisto is the big bad but it never turns out to be Mephisto.
ForJuggernaut, he could have the same great ability as Wasp - if he charges a Heavy Attack while hitting with a Basic Attack Combo, the opponent passively gets Stunned. This allows him to end his combos with a Heavy against most opponents.
I think Iron Man could benefit from some straight up damaging Debuff resistance or reduced duration and Potency. It would add him some utility without complexity, which would be nice for new players.
Spider-Man should have the Taunt ability like Sparky, if nothing else.