Rank up ORDER - need help

Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips

So im currently at 6.2.4 and tried to tackle variant 6 but got stuck on ddhk boss (considering ranking sentinel but rather wait for someone better)

Debating on the ranking order, thinking to start with guardian, would love to hear what order you think will be best (and if i missed someone who should be noticed)

I have skill and tech gem and 1 generic

- hype will have to wait cause the most high rank champs of mine are cosmic
- quake not urgent for me since im afraid she would be hard
- caiw will wait cause i dont have any science gems

Thanks in advance! Here is my whole roster:

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ARW2000ARW2000 Member Posts: 53
    I'd rank up HT first, with your roster through you're definitely ready to take on the champion boss
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
    Thank you, any more opinions?
  • Cap366Cap366 Member Posts: 130
    Just some that I see, I heard prof x is decent for the champion boss. Archangels good, maybe Diablo if you like playing him. Then kingpin from skill class and use the skill gem on him.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Yeah torch for sure. Mole man can holed his own for the skill class for now, and science is the only other one with 1 5* r5 being void. Torch will melt a lot of annoying mystics, and his kit is great for general questing.
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
    Thanks for your help, guess ill go with torch and then kingpin for now
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Think i would go NF over KP as he’s awakened and he synergizes with your CMM
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32

    Think i would go NF over KP as he’s awakened and he synergizes with your CMM

    To be honest, im not realy getting why nf is so good (sure im mistaken just dont know why)
    His tactical rise only when get hit or by sp1 and decrease too fast (even with cmm still pretty fast) and his damage seem high only when decoy die

    Would love to learn what im missing

    Do it!
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