Champion Vote question

Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★
Will all of the champs in the choice vote eventually be added to the game? Cause I know armor won't win but I really want her in the game


  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Unlikely. They said they usually add champs they are interested in and with all the champs from last time, the new champs they are interested in that aren't in these choice events and MCU tie in releases they are probably contractually obligated to make I doubt they will have the time to get around to all the different choice champs. As far as I can recall we haven't seen any of the losing champs from last time yet so getting any, let alone all, of these new ones that lose added doesn't seem like it would happen any time soon if at all.
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