Nick Fury - what am i missing

Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips
To be honest, im not realy getting why nf is so good (sure im mistaken just dont know why)
His tactical rise only when get hit or by sp1 and decrease too fast (even with cmm still pretty fast) and his damage seem high only when decoy die

Would love to learn what im missing
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • KablKabl Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    edited January 2022
    When the decoy is dead, trigger 2 sp1 to be unblockable, purify ALL debuffs when opponent is knocked down, and counter miss and evade, then just do sp2 for stun and BIG damage from bleeds. Best do light ending combos for max damage.
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
    But then he only becomes usefull after decoy die, no? Which sounds risky to play him without the decoy
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    He’s a bleed machine that is two champs in one. I rarely try to kill off phase 1, and he crushes fights. Bleed and disorient debuffs, evade counter, purifies non-damaging debuffs, can go unblockable — all this on top of the fact he can die once and gets even stronger, and that he’s a great synergy boost for many champs.
  • Sirius0130Sirius0130 Member Posts: 135
    He my go to first respond champ to all fights but bleed immune. I also favor him against many incinerate champs. He schools sunspot, torch, and many others. I use both his decoy and second till he finally dies many fights in then he strengthens the rest my team. Thats just the basic way i use him
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Pacha512 said:

    But then he only becomes usefull after decoy die, no? Which sounds risky to play him without the decoy

    It's risky, but the reward is a permanently unblockable champ who can't miss, be evaded or stunned, and deals a ton of damage.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    I feel OP. I was doing a limber mesmerise fight and it’s pretty hard to counter evade for a while in decoy form. So yeah you’re basically sacrificing all your health for the best utility.

    For fights that are not as specific, the decoy is fine. I usually don’t try to kill it off
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Even unduped his DPS is easily amongst top 30-35 champs in the game & there's no ramp up involved unlike most other good damage champions in recent times
    Just being aggressive & taking only a few hits can help u keeping those charges above 5
    His debuff shrug is an underrated utility
    Valuable synergies
    Top of the game bleed damage
    His 2nd phase takes him up to such a level that most champs cn only dream of
    In 2nd phase just put a 20% revive & go batshit crazy on the defender in short bursts of high damage
    Also he's a great defender fr those who like doing wars
    U probably just haven't played with him enough or all the hype around him (which is justified) pushed ur expectations a lot higher than what they should've been
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    I feel OP. I was doing a limber mesmerise fight and it’s pretty hard to counter evade for a while in decoy form. So yeah you’re basically sacrificing all your health for the best utility.

    For fights that are not as specific, the decoy is fine. I usually don’t try to kill it off

    While writing this I realized I could have just used mole man smh
  • VernVern Member Posts: 55
    Have a feeling what you’re missing out on is ending combos with his fourth Light Attack, it seems.
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
    Thank you all, ill definitly rank him soon
  • Pacha512Pacha512 Member Posts: 32
    VERNVARIN said:

    Have a feeling what you’re missing out on is ending combos with his fourth Light Attack, it seems.

    I did actually, but it seems hard to get eternal bleed with this combo

    What would you recommend? Get 1 eternal bleed and then start light ending combos?
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Also maximum points in deep wounds helps Nick more then any other champs in the game. A lot of damage comes from there!
  • CoolKid_McGeeCoolKid_McGee Member Posts: 44
    Finally someone gets me! Nick just isn’t in the meta anymore. I mean sure he’s okaaaaay… but he sure ain’t good
  • CoolKid_McGeeCoolKid_McGee Member Posts: 44

    Also maximum points in deep wounds helps Nick more then any other champs in the game. A lot of damage comes from there!

    If your damage comes from your wounds something’s wrong
  • noregrets100noregrets100 Member Posts: 29
    @CoolKid_McGee, Deep wounds does not damage from your wounds. It increases the length of the bleed debuffs that you inflict. Also, If you have more health than your opponent does, it takes off up to 1%(depending on how many points you have in the master) of your opponents max health.
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