Cosmic rank up advice

All -
After many months with a good 5* cosmic roster but a very weak 6* cosmic roster, today the RNG finally gave me some Cosmic love. I pulled CGR, Hyperion, and Sersi (duped her as well). In addition, I finally managed to pull Herc as a 5* two weeks back. He is awakened and I can easily max sig him. I also managed to dup my VP, and he definitely is very solid after his buff.
So, I’ve gone from very few Cosmic rank up options to a ton.
I’ve pretty much decided to rank Herc unless I pull him as a 6* in the next few days. He is good enough that I would rank both a 5 and 6* version, so even if I rank the 5 and pull the 6 a few weeks from now I won’t feel bad about it.
So, the question is: Who do I rank up with him? Content wise I’m focused on Chapter 7, Variants, and Cav EQ for the next 2-3 months.
I‘ll admit that I don’t love CGR, but I’m willing to work on our relationship given how good he is and given I now have him as a 6*. Hyp is one of my favorites - was my first decent 5* - but I also know he needs to be awakened to be at his full potential. So, given this, I’m probably leaning towards ranking CGR first followed by VP. If I awaken Hype next Monday then I’d pull him to the top of the list.
However, wanted to get this communities input.
Current cosmic roster attached for reference:

After many months with a good 5* cosmic roster but a very weak 6* cosmic roster, today the RNG finally gave me some Cosmic love. I pulled CGR, Hyperion, and Sersi (duped her as well). In addition, I finally managed to pull Herc as a 5* two weeks back. He is awakened and I can easily max sig him. I also managed to dup my VP, and he definitely is very solid after his buff.
So, I’ve gone from very few Cosmic rank up options to a ton.
I’ve pretty much decided to rank Herc unless I pull him as a 6* in the next few days. He is good enough that I would rank both a 5 and 6* version, so even if I rank the 5 and pull the 6 a few weeks from now I won’t feel bad about it.
So, the question is: Who do I rank up with him? Content wise I’m focused on Chapter 7, Variants, and Cav EQ for the next 2-3 months.
I‘ll admit that I don’t love CGR, but I’m willing to work on our relationship given how good he is and given I now have him as a 6*. Hyp is one of my favorites - was my first decent 5* - but I also know he needs to be awakened to be at his full potential. So, given this, I’m probably leaning towards ranking CGR first followed by VP. If I awaken Hype next Monday then I’d pull him to the top of the list.
However, wanted to get this communities input.
Current cosmic roster attached for reference:

Cosmic rank up advice 35 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Hyperion also greatly benefits from awakening - this I know from direct experience with my 5*.
Maybe I take VP up first - since he is already awakened - see if I dup Hyp on Monday (opening a few more featured then) and go from there. Need to think about CGR some more given this new data.
Thanks also @ZAHIDMALIK1588 - If I had my 5* CGR at R5 already I think it would be a no brainer, but since he is only at R3 I want to be really certain before I use the T5B and T2A - trying as much as possible to hold that for 6*’s these days.