Wars coming back.

So wars finally coming back, but no compensation attached for the loss of resources not only from the extended break but from the previous seasons false finish, it seems kabam don't really care about the amount of resources we're losing 'DoN't Do HaRd CoNtEnT' from the lack of Progress in story, Incursions, AQ step down, Arena etc, I reset twice before hitting 2m in toads arena, the bugs are causing huge progression issues across the entire game, not just AQ and war and I'm sorry but potions and less loyalty than the players have shown over 7m by sticking around in this turmoil is pathetic, we're hemorrhaging resources game wide, potions don't cover the gold were losing, the ranked rewards from normal placement in AQ and War, the incursions milestones, Arena milestones, proper story progression and so on, the natural progression has been hammered for over half a year.
Potions just don't cover it kabam and say 'WeRe WaItInG tILl iTs FiXeD' before proper compensation, that's not cutting it after this long, how about we stop playing and paying till you get it fixed then? If you had any care towards the community who have financially backed you more than any game I've ever seen then we'd be getting a monthly package with lots of goodies to 1. Say thanks for sticking around and 2. Appreciate the lost resources were facing on a daily basis in the contest!