10 Champs That Need Buffs And Why

Grizzly_18Grizzly_18 Member Posts: 90
edited January 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
1. Doctor Strange, When multiverse of madness comes out there will be a lot of new players who will want doctor strange and find out how bad he is. Also, he is definitely on the older side of champs and is way outdated.
2. Unstoppable Colossus, He is pretty hard to get from glory crystals or to buy with glory, but when you get him, he sucks. People would actually use their glory to try to get an unstoppable colossus if he was actually a good incentive. I don't see why they couldn't give normal colossus's buff to the unstoppable version.
3. Goldpool and Platinumpool, Same as unstoppable colossus, they are so rare for such a bad reward. More people would try to get them when they can be achieved if they where actually worth it.
4. Kang and Thanos, Same reasons, AGAIN. Why are these rare incentive champs so crappy?
5. Jane Foster, With Jane most likely coming back to the MCU in Thor Love And Thunder, it would be cool to see her become a champ that you could actually consider using.
6. Spiderman Symbiote, He is basically a copy pasted version of normal Spiderman with different sprites. Venom got a good buff, and it would be cool to see Symbiote Spidey have a different play style from the original spider man.
7. Groot, Lets be honest, we would all have an amazing laugh if groot got buffed to be one of the best champs in the game.
8. Punisher, Same reasons as other incentive champs
9. Classic Captain America, He is one of the rewards for fully exploring act 1, and I feel that more new players would try to fully explore it if he was a better champ.
10. Nightcrawler, His teleportation was so cool, and when I started playing this game, I blew like 700 units on premiums trying to get a nightcrawler. And then you find out he sucks. He looks and plays cool, but his low power is a massive let down.

Tell me if you disagree in the replies!
Post edited by Kabam Valiant on


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  • Grizzly_18Grizzly_18 Member Posts: 90
    Will3808 said:

    I agree with half. None of the trophy champions should even be considered to get buffs until everyone else in the game is playable and pretty good. It would be horrible for the game if some of the trophy champions were the best champions in the game because then it would be unfair for the people not lucky enough to pull them.

    I see where your coming from, but it would be cool to at least have them not be trash. I would say make them low god tier, so that theres a lot more choices over them, but to make them at least worth it.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Any list that omits Iron Fist, Juggernaut, Beast, Cyclops, Agent Venom, Drax, Rocket and Ant-Man is missing key members of the buff-me gang.

    Otherwise, I’m cool with all of those other champs getting buffs. Especially Doc.

    Dr. Zola
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    Any list that omits Iron Fist, Juggernaut, Beast, Cyclops, Agent Venom, Drax, Rocket and Ant-Man is missing key members of the buff-me gang.

    Otherwise, I’m cool with all of those other champs getting buffs. Especially Doc.

    Dr. Zola

    Don’t forget SIM or Iron Man. They’re key members as well
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  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    Don't forget OG Avengers
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★

    Will3808 said:

    I agree with half. None of the trophy champions should even be considered to get buffs until everyone else in the game is playable and pretty good. It would be horrible for the game if some of the trophy champions were the best champions in the game because then it would be unfair for the people not lucky enough to pull them.

    I see where your coming from, but it would be cool to at least have them not be trash. I would say make them low god tier, so that theres a lot more choices over them, but to make them at least worth it.
    As somebody with at least half of those trophy Champions, I too would like it if they were a lot better but I can't ignore the fact that objectively, I have plenty of other Champions that I don't have yet and plenty of others that will get naturally duped a lot sooner then the trophy Champs so it is important that everybody else gets their turn first and then the trophy Champs get taken care of later on.
  • RocketWaffleRocketWaffle Member Posts: 140
    jdeck59 said:

    I have yet to get unstoppable colossus from glory. To be honest I can't even find him on the glory tab!!

    He's bought with loyalty, not with glory
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    jdeck59 said:

    I have yet to get unstoppable colossus from glory. To be honest I can't even find him on the glory tab!!

    He's in the Loyalty store no, not the glory store.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    I'm afraid with MOM we might get a new Strange instead of a worthy buff to the old version, or may be a new variant since the movie is supposed to have at least 3 variants of Strange
    Unstoppable Collossus can be obtained without spending any money even as a 6* now so I don't think he's getting a buff or at least a meaningful buff even if he gets one ever
    Goldpool & Platinumpool - Not gonna happen
    Kang & Thanos - probably not gonna happen for a long time & they may never get one
    Jane Foster - it's possible, may be with the movie, or we might get a new skin which will be unnecessary
    Symbiote Spidey, Groot & Classic Cap - Make it happen ASAP Kabam
    Punisher - don't see it happening anytime soon
    NC - a value or moderate buff can make him good, just don't make him more annoying then he already is
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Irona fist needing a buff so bad he even gets forgotten from need buff lists
  • AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Sentry would like a buff. Considering Void is great, his other, better half should be equal or stronger. Also chose him over Mangog from 6* nexus in hopes of a future buff. Moon Knight of course too. I could have chosen him from a different 6* nexus but I didn’t. Point is a lot of champs need or will benefit from buffs. I just don’t see why they would buff somewhat decent champs like Nebula and Thor Rags when there are literal trash champs
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    I love democracy
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    I agree with some, here's my take:

    Strange+Jane 100%
    Trophies (Kang, Thanos, US Colossus, Goldpool) nah
    Platpool doesn't need it imo
    Groot and OG Cap sure
    Punisher maybe. I'm undecided
    Sym Spidey - only small utility upgrade

    And I'd add some:
    Iron Fist
    Air Walker
    Iron-men and others
    These aren't in any order, just randomly who came to my mind
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    I agree with some, here's my take:

    Strange+Jane 100%
    Trophies (Kang, Thanos, US Colossus, Goldpool) nah
    Platpool doesn't need it imo
    Groot and OG Cap sure
    Punisher maybe. I'm undecided
    Sym Spidey - only small utility upgrade

    And I'd add some:
    Iron Fist
    Air Walker
    Iron-men and others
    These aren't in any order, just randomly who came to my mind

    Air-Walker is already perfect.
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