Laid back alliance looking for players tired of bossy leaders--beginner or advanced, we have room

We're a fun, laid back alliance looking for new people. Team founded by a couple of west coast friends who are buddies and have fun playing the game. Most of our teammates have become friends as well. If you want to have fun in the game, join us! We run AQ map 4 and map 2 weekly but there are no mandatories. We're ready to take on Map 5 if you are. We are taking a break from Wars for now but if you want to participate we'll start it again.
No Line required. We have a discord channel if you want to chat, but it's not mandatory. We
Team Rating 8,730,700
Season 30 Stone 1. We didn't participate much, just some of our beginners so they could get objective rewards.
Add me in game: Agent Rocky
Join Alliance in game: West Coast Avengers [WCA99]
Add me on Discord: Agent Rocky#8039
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