Longshot question

Don’t have him but three times now fighting him I’ve been instant killed by his S2 and I swear I dexed it properly. No incinerate on me and my health bar doesn’t drain fast like normal when I botch the S2 and get hit…but I’m just instantly dead. Didn’t see anything in his write up to indicate this but someone who uses him perhaps could enlighten me? Cheers
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
At this point, any Bad Karma will be turned to Incinerate; as will your Precision buff if you try to Dex it. So that's where the damage comes from. The incinerates only last 1 seconds, so you might have missed them.
Your best strategy is to regularly parry/stun or inflict debuffs, to prevent him getting Pure of Heart. And if you aren't immune to Incinerate, I'd recommended baiting his SP1: it's a lot safer!