Thoughts on new a gamemode???

For me the game is starting to get a little bit repetitive and boring seeing as kabam hasn't added many new game modes recently. So here's my idea. Make this new quest sort of like solo incursions where each level gets increasingly harder with better rewards. The rewards should be linked with progression level and once you quite the quest you have to restart. It should be hard at first but not impossible and the rewards should be to what the player wants. If the player finishes say all 10 levels they get an extra prize and maybe it's a selector where they can pick between shards/ cats/ items. I think it should reset around every two weeks to a month and it should be a fun new thing with good personalized rewards and no stupid partners.
If anyone has any suggestions or things they would add/ subtract please leave them below!
If anyone has any suggestions or things they would add/ subtract please leave them below!