War attack tactic is broken!

rtrobinrtrobin Member Posts: 23
edited January 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
Anyone using this heal block attack tactic? I find it seriously broken. When defender placed two damage debuffs on me, I'm passively heal blocked.

It's called attack tactic, but it actually works for defense..

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • rtrobinrtrobin Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2022
    I always do regenration path 1. Since Magneto is banned in this war, I have to bring another heal block attacker. Didn't know attack tactic is still broken.

    I recorded a fight in my phone. If kabam needs it, just leave the message.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,189 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    It's definitely broken: I was editing this to make my own thread, but will add to yours:

    The Alliance Wars Attack Tactic #AW: Damage Over Time is not working.

    The tactic is: (If attacker is AW:DoT, which Elsa is) While the defender is inflicted with two or more damaging Debuffs, they become passively Heal Blocked.

    I chose this tactic to use with Elsa Bloodstone, and it failed more than once; costing me two deaths in Alliance Wars. Luckily, it didn't cost us the war: We got completely wrecked by very tough opponents....

    But still, this could easily be a bug that cost someone a War, even if it didn't actually work out that way for me.

    For the record, I'm using an Android phone, Xiaomi Mi Lite 5G; using the latest MCOC update.

    I first thought it failed when using her to fight Mojo on a Masochism node (Elsa out-damages Masochism without the regen being an issue); but wasn't 100% sure, as the match moved pretty fast. But I thought he regenerated when he had more than two Incinerate debuffs.

    Then I came to Sasquatch on Vigor + Outlast. He healed like crazy. And it didn't matter how many debuffs he had; it just didn't make any difference. Second time around I recorded this, clearly showing him regenerating with multiple Incinerates on, and no sign of a Heal Block; passive or otherwise:
    Sorry it's a small recording - you'll need to maximise it to see properly...

    Notably: my champion wasn't in Assassin's range; at least not for most of the fight.
    Also: I'm aware that Sasquatch is immune to Heal Reversal; but he isn't immune to Heal Block. You can Heal Block him just fine; and I've confirmed this in a Duel with Civil Warrior before posting.


    So that's a second easy in which this Attack Tactic is broken. I see Zibiit has edited your original post: hopefully this might get some traction.
  • SonichaosSonichaos Member Posts: 7
    Debuf detox was a war tag for quake and cosmic ghost rider since last update. How can it not be still an attack tactic for those champions 2 wars now?
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