Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

I am looking for an alliance that runs 3BGs war and AQ

Looking for an alliance that scores at least 250M+ in AQ and is running 3BGs of war I have line, ID is crashedice77-
if needed I can get discord. EST time zone
Thanks in advance to anyone that reaches out


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    I’m Rob aka GeneralMajor officer of GOAR 58m alliance, we playing Map6 weekly 1/2/3 BG 100% weekly 3x 2%Tier5 shards we are within WAR season Gold1 TIER4. We are a very well established alliance that believes in finding good players like yourself two join the family, has I noticed you was on the hunt for a new home. 😊

    Have sent you a friend request in line my I’d his thegodfather78
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    Still looking?
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    Apocalypse26Apocalypse26 Posts: 6
    Marvel maiden is looking for active players that do map 5 AQ and always do war once we get better we will go higher in AQ recruiting has been so hard lately and now some shithead hellfire storm is trying to ruin my alliance just cause I didn’t join his so please help marvel maiden with your help we can definitely get to gold and maybe even beyond
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    Avitale3Avitale3 Posts: 34
    Are you still looking?

    We are looking for 10 map 5 players. Usually we run 5/5/5 w mods, but had to part ways with a groups we merged with. We only have two BGS right now. Looking for the right team or individuals to help us get back to 3 BGS. We are a very active but laid back group.
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