3 players needed for map 5 and 3

Chill, but still competitive alliance are looking for 3 players.
1 player that can do map 5.
2 players that can do map 3 (maybe 4 in time).
Last week we got over 140m in AQ, but usually we end up around 110 -120m.

Our alliance is very friendly, a lot of us has kids, and we are very humourous.

We use Line app for communication, and this is also where we learn from each other if we get stuck in hard content.
We use 3 chatrooms:
Main chat: movies, free time activities, joking etc.
AQ: AQ communication only.
AW: AW communication only.

Our focus at this point is AQ. We don't do AW very much at this point.

What we need are players that are active and will communicate via Line app when doing AQ if necessary.

We have players with ratings from 150k to 1.8m, so that's not important as long as you can take on map 5/map3.

My Line ID: mortenhy
Btw, I'm danish, so sorry for the english spelling.
Hope to hear from some of you.
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