Quality of Life Suggestion: Less paths for Map 6?

BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
edited January 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
Considering Map 6 is a free map (not requiring tickets), it seems like it is the new best map for casual players with decent accounts, but having 10 paths in the last section means that there is no room for error in case someone can't clear their path for whatever reason.

I think Map 6 would be much more doable and less stressful if the paths in the 3rd section only containing one fight were removed.

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    Instead of making 8 paths in section 3, they could remove one of the linked nodes to the boss. That way, if someone is busy, you'll just lose out on the map6 crystal.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    QuikPik said:

    Instead of making 8 paths in section 3, they could remove one of the linked nodes to the boss. That way, if someone is busy, you'll just lose out on the map6 crystal.

    I appreciate the input, but this idea is specifically to make exploration easier.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    Zeraphan said:

    I don't understand why people are being so harsh on @Bocksarox and this idea. If an idea like this happened it would not effect the higher level maps or Alliances that run them. This would be a nice QOL for the more casual side of the game. I in no way see a negative to this.

    Thank you!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,767 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    It's the 3rd hardest difficulty. How can you ever prepare for higher maps if your entire alliance isn't helping in at least one section?

    Your question confuses me because it seems irrelevant. All I'm asking is to be able to run the last section with 8 people. That would not hinder people from being prepared for higher maps. It would only make it easier for CASUAL alliances that are not pushing for top rewards to be able to run Map 6 with less stress. Since Map 6 is no longer the end game Map that it used to be with the addition of Map 8, it would make sense to make it more doable for casual players.
    Map 6 prepares you to do map 7. Map 7 prepares you to do map 8. Maps 7 and 8 both have sections where all 10 people in the BG have to take a lane.

    Map 6 is already for casual alliances. It can be done with R5 4*'s except maybe the boss. None of of those fights in section are difficult to begin with even if you don't have R3 6*'s. You can drop to map 5 and still not lose that much. Map 6 is a perfectly fine difficulty for the rewards it gives. If you don't want a challenge, do map 5.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Perhaps you missed where I said removing paths would make it a glorified Map5 & where I said having 10 ppl for section 3 is part of the challenge for Map6.

    From a personal standpoint, I’d like it if your suggestion was implemented cuz it makes Map6 easier, but I can’t see Kabam making this change.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,767 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    If you're a casual alliance then why do you care about exploration? Sounds like you want the rewards but don't want to put the work in. If the remove paths, rewards go down.

    I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. That's quite the stretch. I have no issue pulling my weight and expect nothing for free. I'm talking about two fights in total being removed, which are the only fights on their respective paths.

    Plus, if that gives more alliances the ability to move up to Map 6 instead of Map 5 (which is my ultimate goal) then the rewards go up.
    Those aren't the only 2 on that path as the middle 2 fights are shared that the same 2 people. Those paths also share the corner nodes and the global fight.

    All I see is you want a map change so don't have to do as many paths for the sake of you just not wanting to do them.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,767 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Map 6 isn't demanding. Map 7 isn't even demanding. Anyone with a low-mid to mid tier roster shouldn't have any issues.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★

    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Perhaps you missed where I said removing paths would make it a glorified Map5 & where I said having 10 ppl for section 3 is part of the challenge for Map6.

    From a personal standpoint, I’d like it if your suggestion was implemented cuz it makes Map6 easier, but I can’t see Kabam making this change.
    That’s great that you think it would make a good change! But why don’t you think Kabam would implement it? They’ve done a lot recently to make once tedious tasks less tedious.

    I get that the 10 paths adds a layer of difficulty, but that feels outdated with the addition of Map 8.

    I didn’t miss your point about how this makes Map 6 a more difficult Map 5. That’s exactly what I want! I’m tired of Map 5. I’ve been doing Map 5 for years. Unfortunately, Map 5 is the hardest map you can still play at a casual level, as Map 6 requires all hands on deck to fully explore. That’s not always a problem, but if one person can’t log on for a personal reason, they let 29 other players down in the process.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★

    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Map 6 isn't demanding. Map 7 isn't even demanding. Anyone with a low-mid to mid tier roster shouldn't have any issues.
    It is not a roster issue. It is not a skill issue. It is a time commitment issue.

    Linked nodes can be moved. Paths can be rerouted. As I said earlier, this is a raw idea.

    Map 6 is no longer the bleeding edge of top content, and there is no longer any reason to treat it as such. Map 8 exists and Map 6 does not have an entry cost.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    QuikPik said:

    They already made map6 a lot more time friendly by removing all the nodes that linked other paths. That used to be a nightmare to manage considering you have people with all different play schedules.

    Why not have 1 BG of map6 for those that can commit to it.

    We’ve tried that, and the result is that we end up leaving one path because someone can’t log on because of work, sleep, or because they have an emergency.

    Next, I’m sure someone will say, “Get rid of that person that’s holding you back.” Well, it’s not always the same person, and it’s rare that this happens to us. However, I’m sure there are alliances that have this problem more frequently. It’s just frustrating for everyone involved when it does happen.

    Also, no one wants to run a harder, more time consuming Map 6 while everyone else runs Map 5. They would just go to a full Map 6 alliance.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,767 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Map 6 isn't demanding. Map 7 isn't even demanding. Anyone with a low-mid to mid tier roster shouldn't have any issues.
    It is not a roster issue. It is not a skill issue. It is a time commitment issue.

    Linked nodes can be moved. Paths can be rerouted. As I said earlier, this is a raw idea.

    Map 6 is no longer the bleeding edge of top content, and there is no longer any reason to treat it as such. Map 8 exists and Map 6 does not have an entry cost.
    Just because it's not the top map anymore doesn't mean the need to make it easier for your alliance to commit to. Map 6 is now meant to be a transition map to help prepare alliances for 7 and 8. If your alliance all the sudden wants to move to map 7, you're in for a world of hurt since sections 2 and 3 require all 10 and running map 6 won't have prepared you for that change.

    We gotta stop calling things a QOL change when it's just something you want to fit your alliance.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Bocksarox said:

    J0eySn0w said:

    Bocksarox said:

    Bocksarox said:

    You can still defeat the map 6 boss with linked nodes on him. I highly doubt any paths will be removed; deal with it.


    I made this suggestion a year and a half before it was implemented. I doubt my suggestion made any difference, and it wasn't carried out the way I had described it, but as it turns out the awakening gem trade in was a huge hit.

    So, maybe you can't see past the nose on your own face, but it doesn't mean that these types of QoL suggestions are bad ideas. These ideas are raw and Kabam would need to work them into their vision of how they see things moving forward.
    There’s a big difference between an inventory or item suggestion and suggesting that they remove paths from AQ map6 becuz you think “there’s no room for error”.

    Thing is, you don’t need 10 people to defeat the map6 mini boss, so “the no room for error” argument goes out the window. It’s made so that you need 10 people to 100%. That’s the challenge and why it’s “harder” than map5. Reducing the amount of paths in section 3 would just make it a glorified map5.
    Have you actually read anything I said? This is not the point I am trying to make. This is 100% about exploration. Not about a boss. Not about a mini boss. Not about the fights on the path being too hard. I want to remove two paths that only have one fight each (two fights total, see image on original post) so that alliances can explore the final section without needing all 10 people.

    With the addition of Map 8, there is no longer any need for Map 6 to be as demanding as it is currently, especially since Map 6 doesn't require an admission fee.
    Map 6 isn't demanding. Map 7 isn't even demanding. Anyone with a low-mid to mid tier roster shouldn't have any issues.
    I think you're missing the point unless I don't understand what you mean by demanding. Ideally, when AQ is being tackled the goal is to explore and you need all 10 players to be able to do so in Map 6. That's one point @Bocksarox is pointing. If that's not demanding what is? It's not about the fight difficulties but getting everyone involved before the quest end thus QoL. With new Map 8, Map 6 is kinda longer what it used to be and that makes sense considering how rosters have grown, now we have 6r4s, champion pools going up with many new champs to tackle different interactions, tickets been removed from Map 6 etc... it's only fair to make the quest less demanding for casual palyers (many of whom have multiple r3s they wanna put them to the challenge and not having to chased around to join and be checking their phone every now and then), that way they don't need all 10 players to explore.
    OP wants a "QOL" change because they can't get the full commitment from their alliance. That's what this boils down to. So because they can't get full commitment, they want paths reduced. That's why lower maps exist is for alliances that can't get a full 10 person BG to commit to AQ.
    No, it is exactly as @J0eySn0w described. I have 17 R3 champs and Map 5 does not offer the same challenge that it once did. Map 6 is the next step, but the number of paths makes that difficult, and the paths with one fight seem arbitrary. The game is moving forward, but Map 6 is stuck in the past.

    Map 6 is a bottleneck, and it is holding back casual players that have accounts too big for Map 5 because of a required time commitment. It seems like you're the only one missing the point.
    I completely agree with this. I’ve never touched Map 6 or above, and that’s simply because it’s hard to find a reliable group of people who want to commit to doing it. Most people I’ve spoken to in the past also tell me that Map 6 is already easier than Map 5 in most cases, but the problem lies with absolutely needing to have 10 people to explore. It’s an arbitrary requirement at this point for something that isn’t even rewarding the highest possible rewards in an AQ cycle.

    Realistically the only complaint I can see comes from people who already do map 6 and don’t want more competition in AQ rankings around their rank rewards. That’s it. If you’re doing Map 5 or lower this is an incentive, if you’re doing Map 7 or 8 this doesn’t affect you. If you’re doing Map 6, you can either stick with it and have less pressure on your ally, or move up to Map 7 if you want to keep your rank rewards.
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    I have been playing over 4 years. I have started a new career, gotten married, and had a kid since then. I don't always have the time to log in exactly when needed, but this game is still one of my favorite ways to pass the time when I have it. Unfortunately, after exploring all permanent content and having the EQ done in the first week every month, AQ/AW is the only thing that keeps me logging in, but Map 5 is boring and I do it with 5 stars.

    So, @Demonzfyre, if you want to break down why I'm making this suggestion, it's less a personal problem and more of a balance issue. There needs to be a Map for players like me, and I know I'm not the only one.

    Take out 2 fights, and I think that solves it. That's it.
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