Very Active looking for ally. Looking to be an "Officer"

Hello everyone. I am hoping to join a new ally as an "officer" to help with war defense and attack along with paths for AQ. I do not want/need the officer promotion in the game just want to "control" aspects of the ally to make it better. I have played maps 4-8 and up to tier 2 AW. Very Active and have way too much free time. Feel free to drop your line or discord if you think I could help your ally.
HMU if you’re still looking.
LINE: crusader01
AW: 2 BGs during the season. Gold 2. Currently at tier 4.
if you're still looking, hmu on line fohi89. ign TikerClaw
PM me on LINE chat. ID RaiderBob
Plat 2-3, tier 2-3
Map 6
IG and Line ID: 3xad3m
Let me know if you are interested to discuss more on Line
Map 8x5
Relaxed 2 bg wars