Venom Appreciation Thread

SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
So I have been an avid reader of @BitterSteel's Journey to Throne Breaker thread. Reading it has inspired me to push for content completion I wouldn't have otherwise considered at the moment. So I decided to push through the last chapter of the villain variant. With only 300 units in my stash, I pushed for my first ever variant completion. As I'm having the time of my life heavy spamming everyone to death, I realized how much Venom brings to my roster. He's so fun to play and as a r4 awakened 5* he was crushing it. I realized that he would do even better as a r5 5*. The only reason I ended up using units was because of lag. I practically soloed the Joe Fixit boss, and when he was at about 40% I said to myself, " If he kills Fixit right here I'll r5 him. Well thankfully there was no lag on that fight (the only one jeez). I actually pulled a cosmic 4-5 gem out of the crystal, and with the 1 million gold I got, I pulled the trigger and r5ed him. Please welcome my Variant 6 MVP Venom.

I can't wait to use him in my Act 6.2 completion push next month (currently on 6.2.5.) and beyond. This symbiote monster is an actual monster and steadily becoming one of my favorite champs to play.


  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    I wound up doing the same thing with mine, first r5, pushed me through a butt load of content. Still love him, even though I don’t use him as much as I should these days.
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  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Does Venom need to be awakened? i have him as 6 star
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    I used him yesterday to (almost) solo the Stealthy boss in 7.3.3. Still one of the most fun champions to use and extremely helpful. He also makes a joke of the monthly Cosmic Cavalier EQ. Mine is 5R5 sig 140.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    Glad you like him! He is my favourite champ in the entire game, such a beast. Even with bad buffs RNG he hits really hard. And his regen is really strong. It has saved me thousands of units woeth of potions and revives over the years.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★

    Does Venom need to be awakened? i have him as 6 star

    Not at all. It is nice to have but not necessary. I had Venom on my team through whole Act 6 and up to 7.3 unawakened if that is a proof to you.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    Does Venom need to be awakened? i have him as 6 star

    No .....I have my unduped 6* at R3 & duped 5* at 5/65
    The dupe ability isn't of much significance & u don't need to put any stones even when u get the dupe
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 975 ★★★★
    He's awesome. It's a shame his prestige is so horrible tho, some of my rank 5s have more pi than my 6* R3 (granted he is unduped). Other than that he's a great champ and definitely one people should rank immediately imo.
  • SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I've got the 6 r1 un
    dot_ditto said:

    I'm biased ..

    He was my first 6*
    He was my first R2 6*
    He was my first R3 6* :)

    No regrets .. he is a monster .. plows through most content ..
    (gotta be careful of some mystics, of course ... but still)

    Definetly gotta watch out for mystics. In a last ditch effort, I brought him for the diablo with Henchman and Icarus right before the Joe Fixit boss in Variant 6.3 but holy crud he crushed it. I never bring him against Ebony Maw, Sym supreme, Dorm etc...
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    I have two accounts in map 8, with the 6 attackers 2 are venom and 1 venompool.
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 530 ★★★
    I love Venom! He's great! VPool is also much improved since his buff.
  • LBN1LBN1 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Venom is a beast. In long fights his sig ability is not key as you eventually get all your buffs. But in short fights, a high sig ability does help. Mine is awakened and fairly high sig, so I start most fights with 3 klyntar buffs which is very nice. Especially on the occasional node where you don't do any damage until you have a few buffs active (don't remember the name).

    Also he pairs great with Spidey Miles.
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  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    I love venompool and would love venom... If i had 1!!!! But i want to say the mechanic of having to gain klyntar buff for pool vs spider verse is really annoying. I really noticed after playing red goblin who has instant access to bypass spider evades
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Any Venom appreciation thread is incomplete without this:
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